The Concept: Branding a Stigmatized Issue
NO MORE’s goal is to propel domestic violence and sexual assault higher on the national agenda of public concerns. On average more than three women a day are murdered by their husbands or boyfriends in the United States. In 2008, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that women experience two million injuries from intimate partner violence each year. It also states that nearly one in four women in the United States report being victims of violence at the hands of a current or former spouse or boyfriend at some point in her life.
Yet despite the persistent prevalence of these issues, they remain on the margins of our national priorities and shrouded in stigma and shame.
NO MORE has created a powerful visual symbol to express universal support for ending domestic violence and sexual assault in our society. The symbol is worn and displayed by advocates and members of the public to express their commitment to this cause. It is being used by many organizations working in the field of domestic violence and sexual assault in their efforts to generate awareness, education and funding.
The concept of "NO MORE" reflects the aspiration—the commitment—to create a society in which there is NO MORE stigma and shame, NO MORE domestic violence and sexual assault. NO MORE's signature blue vanishing point was born out of the concept of a zero—zero incidences of domestic violence and sexual assault. The symbol was inspired by Christine Mau, a survivor of domestic violence and sexual abuse who is now the Director of European Designs at Kimberly-Clark. The symbol’s design was developed pro bono by Sterling Brands, one of the nation’s foremost branding firms. Focus groups of diverse audiences from across the country tested the symbol and concept and agreed that they were important, much-needed and memorable.
Early Adoption
In September 2011, the symbol was unveiled to hundreds of advocates with state, local and national domestic violence and sexual assault organizations. It was launched to the field at a national conference of the Department of Justice’s Office on Violence Against Women in the spring of 2012. The website, [1], quickly gained recognition, prompting dozens of survivors and their family members and friends to share their personal statements of why they say “no more” to domestic violence and sexual assault.
Early glimpses of the NO MORE symbol became visible—from celebrities on the red carpet to the tracks of NASCAR—even appearing in the squad room on Law & Order: Special Victims Unit.
Even before the public launch of NO MORE, the symbol quickly picked up traction. From the NASCAR tracks to the set of Law & Order: SVU to the websites of organizations across the country working to end domestic violence and sexual assault, the symbol began to gain momentum and visibility.