Artists for ART4JOY Show and Auction

Artists for ART4JOY Show and Auction

View a list of all the artists who contributed their work to ART4JOY, an art show and auction August 3 at the Manhattan office and rooftop garden of Cookfox Architects.

Alisha Johns

Anne Muntges

Anthony Kieren

Anton Connolly

Arielle Farkas

Ashley Brown

Basit Sheakh

Benjamin Wachtel

Bree Poort

Brooke Rahmanan

Candace Stalder

Cecilia Whitney

Charlotte Morton

Chelsey Croucher

Clare Elsaesser

Clarence James "Pharoah"

Clark Rendall

Darius Woo

Deva Pardue

Elizabeth Sutton

Elly Smallwood

Emanuele Fiore

Emma Sulkowicz

Federica Masini

Glen Marlowe


Helen Rasmussen

James Booth

James Looram

Jamie Marie Hannigan

Jany Lopez

Jason Seife

Jerry Wilson

Joan Snitzer

Jocelyn Tarquini

Judy Geller-Marlowe

Karen Cooper


Kiera Wood

Larissa Katherine Marchand

Linda Quinn

Ludmila Karameros

Marco Raggi

Michele Bengualid

Michelle Fontes

Nicholas Newcomb Pottery & Sculpture

Olivia Synoracki

Olivia Wilber

Patricia Spergel

Patrick Antonelle

Philip Rotter

Rachael Proulx

Ray Weitzenberg


Sarah McGraw

Sharilyn Neidhardt

Sharon DelRocco

Shauna Delafraz

Simba Chakauya

Susan Carella

Wiebke Hoche 1 | HocheArt

Zia Jones

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