Bringing Awareness to Child Abuse and Neglect during April

April 12, 2013 | BY Laura Smulian | FILED UNDER JHF BLOG >

This month, we have the unique privilege of acknowledging and raising awareness around child abuse and neglect. April, National Child Abuse Awareness and Prevention Month, is dedicated to encouraging parents and caregivers to recognize the importance of promoting the social and emotional well being of children and families in communities.

First enacted by the U.S. government in 1983, this month brings attention to this issue and helps support the 676,596 children who are being abused and the 15.5 million children who are exposed to violence in the United States each year.But we know that child abuse and neglect is preventable. So this April, let us turn towards this issue and stand with millions of others across the country to raise awareness during National Child Abuse Awareness and Prevention month.

In Hawai’i, Joyful Heart partnered with the Hawai’i Children’s Trust Fund to launch One Strong ‘Ohana, the largest state-wide child abuse and neglect prevention campaign in the state of Hawai‘i. It is based on the research that shows that child abuse and neglect is preventable and that individuals—parents, caregivers and adult community members—can play a part in creating a positive and healthy environment.As board member Valli Kalei Kanuha, Ph.D said:

“Our premise is simple: rather than wait for something to go wrong, do something right, something as basic as running an errand for an overstressed caretaker or offering to watch your neighbors' kids so they can have a little break.”

We can each help create a nurturing environment for our children by reaching out to parents in the smallest of ways, like offering to pick up the groceries for a neighbor or friend, getting the kids together for a play date or offer to watch their kids for a while and simply asking how things are going.

While One Strong ‘Ohana is local to Hawai‘i, the premise is universal. The campaign is based in protective factors, which are positive attributes that are shown to strengthen all families. They can include parental resilience, showing and feeling nurturing and attachment towards one's child, knowledge of child and youth development, concrete support and social connections to others. When present, these factors are shown to reduce harm and strengthen families. To learn more about the research and methodology behind protecting children preventing child abuse, click here.

For some more ideas and resources on how you can engage your community, protect children and get tips for parents and caregivers, visit the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

To watch PSAs in English and Spanish and learn more what state and national organizations are doing to promote community-based child abuse prevention programs, click here.

If you’re interested in getting involved in local initiatives in your community, The Innocence Revolution is a global effort to end child abuse that several Joyful Heart supporters began, with a global Day of Action taking place this Sunday, April 14. Like the One Strong ‘Ohana campaign, the initiative focuses on what adults can—and need to—do to prevent child abuse. For ideas on how to spread the word, visit and for a list of Innocence Revolution events near you, click here.

On behalf of Joyful Heart and children everywhere, thank you for lending your voice to this important month and for taking the time to learn more and shed light on child abuse.
April is also Sexual Assault Awareness Month. To get involved and find resources, visit our previous post to read about how you can join us in our efforts to end  sexual assault.

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