Happy Wednesday, hearts! My name is Lendon, and I’m happy to be introducing myself to you as Joyful Heart’s Advocacy & Communications Associate. It’s been a little over two weeks now that I’ve been giving you a dose of of what we call Your Daily Joy--these simple thoughts, beautiful images and words of wisdom--every morning here on our blog, and let me tell you, though it takes only a few strokes on the keyboard and a couple clicks of the mouse, posting them is really one of the biggest pleasures of my day. I hope that as you read them, they strike a chord within you, too.
At first, I thought it would be difficult to track down masses of these words and images, enough to fill every day of the week... indefinitely. Turns out, it’s not. I thought it would be difficult to find things that would truly inspire me, that would really evoke a genuine reaction in me--a smile, a laugh, a little gush of warmth, a few pensive moments. Again, it wasn’t. Found on the Internet, in emails from folks who’ve passed along tidbits to me, on a card, in a book or even on a mug, there are so many beautiful, inspirational ways in which people express joy in the world. A quote from the ever-wise Thich Nhat Hanh expresses this better than I can: "the present moment is filled with joy and happiness. If you are attentive, you will see it."
There are certainly times when I am less attentive to these moments than others, but the exercise of at least trying to tune into them on a regular basis is a wonderful practice. It is one that I’m getting better at as I myself become inspired by the words I read and images I see that I subsequently share with you. It’s true: there is joy everywhere. On some days, it can be more difficult to see, and it’s on those days that I most hope you’ll remember to stop by for a visit to our blog and grab a dose of Your Daily Joy.
I really would like to hear from you about what inspires you and brings you joy. Continue to share in the comments, and email
blog@joyfulheartfoundation.org with things you’d like to see posted in this section.
Be well, hearts!
PS - If you'd like a big dose of joy, check the archives of
all of our daily posts.
Your Voices