Wellness Wednesday: Break Out Your Bike

April 18, 2012 | BY Sukey | FILED UNDER JHF BLOG >

I’ve lived in NYC for 20 years and have always felt too intimidated to ride a bike, mainly because it seems like everyone biking around New York is either a hipster on a fixed-gear or Lance Armstrong. But then I took a trip to Holland and saw that EVERYONE rode bikes. I got inspired… so much so that I bought a Dutch bike when I got back home. Now, I ride my bike all over town and I love it.



Spring is finally getting close and we can’t wait to dust off our bikes and start peddling all over town. Aside from the fact that it’s good for the body and great for the planet, we love biking because it’s actually fun—it’s the workout that doesn’t feel like a workout! In preparation for the sunny days ahead, we’ve been rounding up apps for better biking. Do a little downloading and get ready to ride!

Ride the City helps you avoid non-bike friendly routes by pointing you toward bike paths, bike lanes and greenways in 39 (and counting) cities. Next time you’re out of town, rent a bike and really explore.

Cyclemeter is a pocket-sized personal trainer. Perfect for the goal-oriented cyclist, this GPS-enabled stopwatch not only tracks your ride but gives visual data, feedback and tons of motivation.

Bike Repair has you covered on more than 50 common problems, with step-by-step photo instructions for fixing everything from flat tires to broken gears. These tips will save the day should something happen to go awry.

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