The Year Ahead

January 8, 2014 | BY Maile Zambuto | FILED UNDER JHF BLOG >

Dear friends,

2014 is upon us—Joyful Heart’s 10th year—one filled with hope and possibility. We are so grateful to you and all of our supporters who have helped make our joyful community what it is today.

You helped us achieve so much in 2013. As I reflect on all of these accomplishments—your accomplishments—I thought of a quote from Gandhi that embodies so much of who we are: “A small body of determined spirits fired by an unquenchable faith in their mission can alter the course of history.”

Indeed, we are a small body of determined spirits and are so grateful to have you standing with us. We have a big year ahead in 2014—supporting survivors of violence and assault, working to heal the healers, researching and improving rape kit backlog and victim notification practices, and raising awareness about the NO MORE campaign nationwide. This work is only possible because of your support, and we thank you for your partnership.

With your help, we hope that we can, in fact, alter the course of history and put an end to violence once and for all.

With gratitude and best wishes for a joyful 2014,

Maile Zambuto
Chief Executive Officer

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