Contact & Connect

A key aspect of Joyful Heart’s mission is to “shed light into the darkness" that surrounds the issues of sexual assault, domestic violence, and child abuse. We know that these issues can be difficult to read about and even more challenging to talk about. But we also know that they thrive in darkness and silence and that learning more about the issues and discussing them is an important part of ending the shame, stigma, and isolation faced by survivors—and of preventing violence before it begins. To quote Joyful Heart Board member, Peter Hermann:

“People naturally turn away from this issue. That is a human thing. I can point to no one and say, ‘you’re a bad person for turning away from this issue.’ I can turn to anyone and say, ‘please be incredibly courageous and be one of those people who turn towards it.’”

We invite you to make this important turn with us and to keep informed about our work and the wider movement to prevent violence against women and children. 

Here are some of the many ways you can stay informed:

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Please note: 

Due to the volume of emails received on a daily basis we are not able to reply to each one. Our automatic email response may be able to answer many of the emails we receive. We encourage you to explore our website for the information you are seeking. We invite you to explore our website for information about Joyful Heart, our programs, and how you can get involved or support or work.

Please also note that Joyful Heart is not a crisis center and does not provide emergency services of any kind including: crisis intervention, counseling, housing, legal or financial assistance. We are able, however, to connect you to information and resources where these services are available. We encourage you to browse our website and explore our resources for this information.

Of course, we also invite you to connect with us on social media, where we regularly update our community with the latest information from Joyful Heart and advocacy and action opportunities related to the issues of sexual assault, domestic violence, and child abuse. 


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