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National NO MORE Movement Responds to Wall Street Journal Columnist Accusing Rape Victims of Being Responsible for Their Rape
February 12, 2014 – “’Well, she was drunk. Boys will be boys. Well, what was she wearing?’ Those are just some of the many excuses commonly used to justify rape and sexual assault. Considering that one in five women is raped in her lifetime in the United States, rape apologists help perpetuate an unacceptable and extremely dangerous cycle of violence against women. It’s time we said NO MORE.”
NO MORE ( is an unprecedented national movement to get people talking more openly about domestic violence and sexual assault by driving greater awareness, encouraging bystanders to take action and broadening the conversation.
Joyful Heart Foundation, a founding member of NO MORE, spearheaded the NO MORE PSA campaign which features televisions and print ads with public figures confronting common myths and excuses around sexual assault and domestic violence. “Well, she was drunk” PSA featuring Amy Poehler available here:
The NO MORE PSAs are available at no cost to non-profit organizations, universities and corporations across the country to co-brand and increase support in their local communities for domestic violence and sexual assault prevention and services.