April: A Month of Hope, Prevention and Awareness

April 20, 2011 | BY NedFowler | FILED UNDER JHF BLOG >

April has been declared Child Abuse Prevention Month. Please help us raise awareness about the devastating effects of child abuse. Whether you're surrounded by children every day or you just want to get the word out, there are still things you can do to make this a hopeful and meaningful month.

If you have children in your life that you care for, talking to them is often a great first step. Though it's not necessarily the easiest subject to talk about with a young loved one, children are often anxious to hear what adults have to say. AboutOurKids.org offers some tips for how to approach a conversation about child abuse.

You can help teach children that their bodies are their own and they have rights as people; being respectful to adults doesn’t always mean doing everything an adult says. If a grown-up "crosses the line," it’s okay to say no. Let them know that the bigger the problem, the more they can come talk to you about it and that it is never their fault if an adult touches or hurts them. If a child comes to you about being abused, know what your next step should be. You can download Joyful Heart's card on knowing the signs of child abuse and read about some things to keep in mind if you suspect a child is being abused on our website.

Even if you don't have little ones running around your home, you can still do incredible things today and this entire month of April, even year. Just getting these facts and helping to raise awareness can help keep our children safe. Update your Facebook or Twitter status to shed light on child abuse. Here are some ideas:

Thank you for helping us make a difference in the lives of children today.


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