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People Giving Back: Katie
On April 28, 2012, I'm going to jump out of a perfectly functioning airplane.
Why? To take part in Operation Freefall: The Two-Mile High Stand Against Sexual Assault. I'll be joining thousands others at skydive centers across the country who will take to the sky and jump in effort to raise awareness and money for victims of sexual assault.
It's a little bit crazy and a lot of bit scary....(which might have been what I thought the moment I stepped onto a football field for the first time.)
Many of you know my story (for those who don't, please feel free to check me out at I am the first woman to play and score points in a Division One football game, as well being a survivor of sexual assault. I have been tremendously blessed on my healing journey and am excited to help other survivors.
By participating in Operation Freefall, I'll be raising funds for Speaking Out About Rape (SOAR), and an organization that's very important to me, the Joyful Heart Foundation.
Despite the fact that sexual violence is so common, it is still a subject plagued by misconceptions and shrouded in darkness.
Mariska Hargitay's Joyful Heart Foundation is commited to shining a light on these dark issues and is one of the most innovative and empowering organizations I've ever seen. The work they do is nothing short of remarkable. Please check them out at
SOAR is the wonderful organization that hosts Operation Freefall, as well as providing other programs for survivors and their families. You can see them at
How much do I want to raise for these two organizations? The sky is the limit. Literally.
Whether you can donate a dollar or a hundred, I hope you will join me as I fight to help end sexual violence. Also- all donations are tax-deductible.
Thank you in advance for your generosity and support.
Still kicking,
Katie Hnida
On April 28th, Katie completed her jump and surpassed her goal of raising $3,000 for Joyful Heart's programs. Thanks, Katie, for your fearlessness and your ongoing support of our work.

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