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The goal of Joyful Heart’s Education programs is to change the way society thinks about, talks about, and responds to sexual assault, domestic violence, and child abuse. Simply put, we seek to turn up the volume on these issues. We do this through public education, large-scale campaigns and film, by informing storylines on television, and collaborating on public-private partnerships.
We so often hear directly from survivors about how so often, it is not only the trauma that stays with them for so long after the abuse or assault. It is also the response of those around them—the people they reported it to, the people they told and the society that often blames survivors, that belittles and jokes about these issues.
Throughout the history of our education work, we’ve told stories—stories of the youngest victims of violence and abuse through campaigns like One Strong ‘Ohana, or of victims of domestic violence, like Amy Homan McGee, who was killed at the hands of her abusive husband and whose life and death is documented through film Telling Amy’s Story.
Through our Engaging Men and Defining Manhood initiatives, we helped to create a national dialogue about how men can get involved to address, prevent and help end violence and abuse against women and children. Additionally, with the support of our partners, we work to increase awareness of and access to resources for men and boys who have been victimized as well.
Joyful Heart also works to engage both the entertainment industry and media on these issues. Studies have shown that television and film can be powerful tools for education and social norms change. We seek opportunities to inform script development, so programming is infused with accurate portrayals of these crimes, their effects, and the paths many survivors take to heal. We have also built and maintain a strong community of supporters through our social media that allows followers to stay connected with us and one another and to break isolation.
Our NO MORE PSA campaign represents Joyful Heart’s largest investment in efforts to prevent domestic violence and sexual assault. NO MORE unifies the movement to end domestic violence and sexual assault for the first time with a universal symbol and a simple message: together, we can end domestic violence and sexual assault. Supported by major organizations working to address these issues, and gathering support from Americans nationwide, NO MORE shines a bold new light on this urgent cause. From 2014-2016, Joyful Heart spearheaded a groundbreaking celebrity-driven public awareness campaign that reached and engaged millions from all over the country.
Sexual assault, domestic violence and child abuse thrive in darkness. Most simply put, our education programs are designed to shed light into the darkness surrounding these issues.