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September 23, 2009 | Saratoga Springs, NY

On September 23rd, a team from Joyful Heart traveled to Saratoga Springs for the National Center for Women and Policing's (NCWP) Annual Leadership Conference, hosted by the New York State Police and co-sponsored by the New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services. The conference was attended by many of the top women in law enforcement from across the nation.

The session began with a screening of the JHF's film, The Joyful Revolution, followed by remarks from Joyful Heart's Executive Director, Maile Zambuto and a video message from our Founder & President Mariska Hargitay. Joyful Heart presented a session on the impact of vicarious trauma and the importance of self care. Trauma expert and the author of Trauma Stewardship, Laura van Dernoot Lipsky, led the session and engaged the audience in a frank discussion about the impact being on "the job" can have.

September 9, 2009 | Kona, Hawai'i

In early September, a wonderful gathering of the Joyful Heart Foundation community, including our program participants, local and national staff, consultants, funders, community leaders, partner organizations and friends assembled in the new office of the Joyful Heart Foundation in downtown Kailu-Kona to celebrate the opening and to partake in a traditional Hawaiian Blessing Ceremony.

People gathered in our office and on our lanai to enjoy beautiful locally grown food provided by Isabelle Crosby and her sister Caroline. The office was fragrant with many beautiful leis and flowers that were gifted to Joyful Heart to celebrate the occasion.

May 6, 2009 | New York, NY

Following Joyful Heart's successful Second Annual Gala, The Joyful Revolution, Board Member Peter Hermann along with JHF staff and program partners were invited to ring the opening bell of the NASDAQ stock exchange.

Prior to ringing the bell, Peter was invited by NASDAQ Vice President, David Wicks, to deliver remarks about Joyful Heart and its mission. Peter used the occasion to introduce the concept of the joyful revolution to a wider, global audience.

May 1, 2009 | New York, NY

This year's event was held at Terminal 5, one of New York City's most exciting new venues, and the perfect setting for the launch of the Joyful Revolution.

Hosted by Debra Messing and Chris Meloni, the gala featured various events spread out over two levels — with joyful design and décor generously provided by David Monn — beginning with a cocktail party, dinner, and the premiere of the Joyful Revolution film, followed by an exciting live auction, musical performances by Sheryl Crow, Lupe Fiasco, and Paula Fuga, and an after-party spun by DJ Cassidy.

April 29, 2009 | Honolulu, HI

The Joyful Heart Foundation was invited by the Hawai‘i Community Foundation to the Tenth Annual Prevent Child Abuse Hawai‘i Conference. Held on Wednesday, April 29, 2009, at the Ala Moana Hotel in Honolulu, the event was designed to help parents, caregivers and professionals address ways the local community can work collectively to prevent child abuse and neglect. This year's theme was "Strengthening Families…Because Children Matter!"

January 1, 2008 | New York, NY

The event was held at the Bon Appétit Supper Club & Café on West 57th Street, right in the heart of Manhattan. Open for two weeks only, the Bon Appétit Supper Club & Café generously opened their doors to host Joyful Heart as a guest charity of choice, in support of our mission.

The exquisite Supper Club, created by Relevant, welcomed over 100 guests into a warm and inviting Fall oasis. Guests included fellow SVU cast members Isabel Gillies and Judith Light, Academy Award Nominee Brenda Blethyn, Joyful Heart Board members Jennifer P. Goodale, Linda Fairstein, Ashley McDermott, Michael King and Peter Hermann.

January 1, 2008 | Los Angeles, CA

The event was held at 710 Milwood Avenue, Venice California. One of only a few LEED Platinum Certified homes in the country, project7ten was built as green as possible to serve as an educational model that creates a forum for smart discussion about environmental awareness.

On a gorgeous Sunday afternoon, 75 guests gathered to celebrate Joyful Heart, our role in launching Hope Shining and our expanded partnerships in LA.

Hosted by longtime JHF supporters Hilary Swank and Cristina Carlino, Founder and Executive Chairman of philosophy, the evening was a casually festive cocktail party, catered by LuLu Powers Catering and Flowers, run "joyful heart style."

January 1, 2008 | New York, NY

The event was held at the IAC Building, designed by famed architect Frank Gehry, and was the perfect backdrop to highlight Joyful Heart's pioneering programs.

Hosted by Joyful Heart Founder & President Mariska Hargitay and long time friend and Joyful Heart supporter Hilary Swank, the evening started with a cocktail party and red carpet arrivals including Chris Meloni, Stephanie March & Bobby Flay, Jill Hennessy, Marcia Gay Harden, Joely Fisher and Kim Raver to name a few.

January 1, 2008 | Los Angeles, CA

The event was held in Los Angeles California at the magnificent Beverly Hills home of Colleen & Brad Bell, on a gorgeous sunny California day. Held outside, under tents in the beautiful gardens behind the Bell's home, the event was an intimate and festive afternoon tea, to raise awareness and support for Joyful Heart's pioneering mission and innovative programs.

Host Mariska Hargitay, JHF Founder & President, invited her friends in the field of arts and entertainment to join in her philanthropic efforts, by asking each to send a bag of their personal wardrobe to QLu to be auctioned online to benefit JHF.
