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Homemade Ayurvedic Body Scrub
Hi friends,
As the seasons change, so do our self-care regimens. In preparation for summer, treat your skin to one of my favorite recipes: an individualized homemade body scrub.
A rich body scrub can help revitalize skin in preparation for warmer weather, but forget pricey, overly perfumed store scrubs with dubious chemicals listed on their labels. All you need are a few simple ingredients and knowledge of your dosha, or constitution, to mix up the perfect body scrub for you.
Oil-based massages and scrubs are central to Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of holistic health. Ayu is Sanskrit for "life" and veda means "the knowledge of." Ayurvedic physicians believe each person’s constitution is a unique blend of three doshas: vata (air), pitta (fire) and kapha (earth). In most people, one dosha predominates, affecting personality and body type. The goal is to balance all three for optimum health.
Keep reading to find out how to make a body scrub tailored to your own dominant dosha using just four simple ingredients.

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