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What do Joyful Heart, a lightsaber, and your running shoes all have in common?

A lot...or at least for one weekend in January that you can be a part of!
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Erica Is Running Against the Shame and Stigma—and for Herself

Erica Linderman trained and fundraised on behalf of Joyful Heart Foundation to run in the 2016 TCS NYC Marathon on November 6, 2016. She shares her personal story.

See You at the Finish Line!

We're always stronger together. This is something I've always known, and have really come to appreciate in the process of preparing for this race.
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Running Anyway

It’s only been recently that I’ve realized that I run for several reasons. I run to get out the emotions that had been trapped inside for so long. I run to exhaust myself so that I can sleep at night without the nightmares. Mostly I run to feel strong, to feel in control. When I’m running, no one can get to me; I am fearless.
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Kyle: Conquering 26.2 Miles for JOY

There [is] some kind of connection between the capacity to love and the capacity to love running. Training has been a labor of love and a learning process. Through it, I’ve come to realize a few things not only about myself, but also about the similarities between preparing for something like a marathon and advocating for survivors of abuse.

Getting Back to Basics

Today, we have the first post in a new mini-series from Brynn Foster. Brynn shares her joyful heart with us, as well as her tips and tricks on being well, from Honolulu, Hawai'i. Brynn has been involved with Joyful Heart for years as a member of the Hawai'i Hearts, a group of volunteer women who raise awareness and funds for Joyful Heart's work in Hawai'i, our birthplace.

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Wellness Wednesday: 7 Ways to Achieve a Healthy Glow

Some days our look is more stressed-out-and-sleep-deprived than radiant. Been there? Here's what we do to kick the stress and get glowing.
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Wellness Wednesday: Unlock Your Creative Potential

Could your daily yoga flow inspire creativity to flow freely in other areas of your life as well? If you’ve got mental clutter to clear (and most of us do), then it definitely could. You may not think you’re gifted with a pen, paintbrush or musical instrument, but that doesn’t mean you lack the spark of creativity. A common struggle in the creative process is simply getting out of your own way. As you dive into yoga, you’ll start to break free from judgment, self-doubt and criticism. Letting go of these obstacles on the mat is the first step to exploring your creative impulses elsewhere.
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Writing for the Heart: A Practice for Self-Liberation

Today we have a guest post from Purvi Shah, a writer and poet who recently facilitated a wellness session entitled "Imagining Our Wondrous Selves" at a Joyful Heart Heal the Healers event in New York City. Today, Purvi shares her reflections on why writing can be a practice of self-care, self-revelation and self-liberation.

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Wellness Wednesday: Happy Feet

Achey feet? Follow our 3-step plan and show your tootsies some love before flip flop weather hits!
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