Wellness Wednesday: Quinoa Banana-Nut Muffins

Hi friends,

Taided Betancourt, a good friend of ours at The Well Daily, has a way of packing nutrition into decadent-tasting treats. These muffins are healthier than most, and my kids go crazy for them. Enjoy her recipe!



Taided Betancourt is the Well Daily's resident organic chef.

When I want a protein-packed snack or a quick breakfast, I whip up a warm batch of these Quinoa Banana-Nut Muffins. Quinoa is a low-fat source of protein, rich in essential nutrients and my favorite alternative to white flour. I add ginger for flavor and spice and dark chocolate chips for a melt-in-your-mouth dose of antioxidants. Bananas offer a potassium kick and low-fat yogurt gives a calcium boost and keeps the muffins moist.

These muffins freeze well so you can make them ahead of time, store them and pop one in the microwave for 20-30 seconds. You might want to make two batches, though; there are rarely leftovers when I make Quinoa Banana-Nut Muffins.

Keep reading for the recipe and a step-by-step instructional video.

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