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Get Involved - Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month
Did you know that February is Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month?
Are you wondering how you, your kids, your friends, your nieces and nephews or the kid down the street can do something to start a conversation, share information and get involved?!
We have been so impressed with the great information and tool kits that our partner organizations have available that we wanted to share them with you. is a collaborative effort to promote February as Teen DV Month by serving as a clearing-house for all related activities. Many organizations joined in to create this website and they are adding to it all the time!
Check out their section on things you can do, ways to get your school involved, and how to get your elected officials involved. Don't forget, these are suggestions and jumping off points. you can change, add to or completely come up with your own ideas! Be creative, do what feels right to you. I love that they offer a sample letter to send to your principal about getting teen dating violence prevention curricula in your school and plays you can put on for your school. Too cool!
What did you do, or plan to do to raise awareness for Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month? Tell us in the comments below.

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