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Highlighting NO MORE Day in the Media

2017 In Review: Thank You For Sharing Our Joyful Journey

Hope. Joy. Possibility. We were founded on these values and in 2017, they are at the heart of everything we do.
The volume on the conversation about sexual assault, domestic violence, and child abuse is up and getting louder every day as all eyes, ears, and hearts are turned toward these issues. The collective voices of survivors are powerful, strong, and undeniable. We are surrounded by meaningful change. And we aren’t going back.
It’s been an extraordinary year for our work at Joyful Heart.
#GivingTuesday Q&A: Meet the Founders of GenerationJOY

Every year on #GivingTuesday, people around the world channel the spirit of gratitude and generosity by giving back to causes they care about. This #GivingTuesday, we are showcasing the work of two advocates making a difference for Joyful Heart: Sophia Schrager and Emma Kate Lasry, the founders of our GenerationJOY committee.

Every day, a new story about sexual assault, abuse, and harassment emerges. We are witnessing survivors coming forward to share their personal stories in a way we have not seen before. Celebrities, our friends, our sisters, our daughters, and ourselves—are speaking out about these experiences. From the simple yet powerful #MeToo to women’s detailed personal accounts in news stories and op-eds, this violence is at the forefront of our attention. The volume of the conversation is way up, getting louder, and showing no sign of stopping. It is inescapable.
Open Your Heart to Survivors and to Yourself
Every October, we honor Domestic Violence Awareness Month. DVAM is an opportunity to deepen our understanding of these issues, share resources, and most importantly, support survivors.
This year, Joyful Heart is honoring DVAM by sharing tools for supporting survivors with our community. Each week, we are covering a new topic and sharing stories about how to put these tools into practice. We invite and encourage you to share these with your community.
Let Survivors Know What Resources Are Available

Every October, we honor Domestic Violence Awareness Month. DVAM is an opportunity to deepen our understanding of these issues, share resources, and most importantly, support survivors.
This year, Joyful Heart is honoring DVAM by sharing tools for supporting survivors with our community. Each week, we are covering a new topic and sharing stories about how to put these tools into practice. We invite and encourage you to share these with your community.
This week’s tip is: Know where to point someone for more help.
Ask Survivors How You Can Help Them

Every October, we honor Domestic Violence Awareness Month. DVAM is an opportunity to deepen our understanding of these issues, share resources, and most importantly, support survivors.
This year, Joyful Heart is honoring DVAM by sharing tools for supporting survivors with our community. Each week, we are covering a new topic and sharing stories about how to put these tools into practice. We invite and encourage you to share these with your community.
This week’s tip is: Ask what more you can do to help.
How to Listen Actively, Love Openly, and Share Courageously

Every October, we honor Domestic Violence Awareness Month. DVAM is an opportunity to deepen our understanding of these issues, share resources, and most importantly, support survivors.
This post is by guest author Kalimah Johnson, founder and chair of SASHA Center, a sexual assault service, prevention, and educational agency designed to provide educational and support groups to survivors of sexual assault.
Show Survivors Support By Validating Their Experiences

Every October, we honor Domestic Violence Awareness Month. DVAM is an opportunity to deepen our understanding of these issues, share resources, and most importantly, support survivors.
This year, Joyful Heart is honoring DVAM by sharing tools for supporting survivors with our community. Each week, we are covering a new topic and invite and encourage you to share these tools with your community, as well as share stories about how to put them into practice.
This week’s tip is: Validate.
Support a Survivor by Listening

Every October, we honor Domestic Violence Awareness Month. DVAM is an opportunity to deepen our understanding of these issues, share resources, and most importantly, support survivors.
This year, Joyful Heart is honoring DVAM by sharing tools with our community to best support survivors. Each week, we will cover a new topic and invite and encourage you to share these tools with your community, as well as share stories about how to put them into practice.
This week’s tool is: Listen.