Wellness Wednesday: Take the Mindset Beyond the Mat

Hello friends,

Even if you've never stepped foot in a yoga studio, there are principles of the practice that anyone can use to be more mindful and more peaceful throughout the day. Here are the strategies I've learned from yoga that enrich my daily life.



Each time we practice yoga, we begin by setting an intention. In the same way, we can be purposeful about directing your energy throughout your day. Start with these simple steps:

Focus on your breath. Take deep, equal breaths as often as possible. If you start to feel overwhelmed by a crowded subway or a long to-do list at work, return to your breath and take a few even inhales and exhales through your nose.

Practice tadasana. Anytime you find yourself on your feet, position yourself in tadasana. Parallel your feet, square your shoulders and tuck your tailbone. Stand up straight with your arms at your side and spread your fingers. This pose will help you feel grounded and strong, so try it before an important meeting or at a crosswalk waiting for the light to change.

Listen as if your next move depends on it. You exercise the art of listening in the yoga studio as teachers verbally guide you through detailed actions and intricate sequences. Try to practice this same receptive listening as you encounter others throughout the day. From placing your daily order with the barista to having a heartfelt conversation with a close friend, listening as deliberately as you do in yoga class will help you feel more connected to everyone around you.

Notice yourself. Yoga is about self-awareness. Throughout the day, pause to observe yourself from the outside: your thoughts, the way your body feels, your reactions to the people around you. Remember: don't judge, just watch. No action is so insignificant that it doesn't merit your consideration.

If it helps, you might want to download an app like the Mindfulness Bell to remind you every hour or two to recenter yourself. Even if it's just a one-minute break to stretch, breathe and strike a yoga pose or two, making this a habit will help you stay in the yoga mindset as you maneuver the rest of your life.

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