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Prioritizing Yourself

The season premiere of Law & Order: Special Victims Unit is fast approaching and many are waiting in anticipation to find out what happens to Detective Olivia Benson. For some, witnessing the ordeal she endures could be painful, as it can be an all too-real depiction of a personal experience.
Wellness Wednesday: Give Meditation a Chance
Meditation doesn't necessarily mean sitting cross-legged on a cushion. It doesn't have to involve chanting and it doesn't even require silence. One way to meditate is to bring mindful awareness to simple, everyday activities like brushing your teeth or waiting at a traffic light.
Wellness Wednesday: Bee the Breath
Keep the buzzing mind at bay with a practice to get you in a meditative state: the Humming Bee Breath—named after Brahmari, meaning bumble bee. This practice is touted for its anger-reducing abilities. It calms the mind, reducing stress, anxiety, insomnia and even blood pressure.
Wellness Wednesday: Slow Down
This time of year, things can’t help but move at lightning speed. If your to-do list is getting longer by the second and you can't remember the last time you took a vacation, now is the time to slow down. Not only is it good for the spirit, but your immune system will benefit from it too.
Wellness Wednesday: Connect without the Tech
We're all over the upsides of social media and using apps to organize our lives, but sometimes you've just got to unplug to connect. Forgot how to send a message that's more than 140 characters? Get meaningful with these 4 ways to connect for real.
Wellness Wednesday: Let Go of Negative Emotions
In a fleeting moment, negative emotions, like anger, can steer us off our chosen course and into a murky emotional world. Thankfully, yoga helps us work through our feelings intelligently so we can acknowledge them and let them go. Is something making you mad? Start here.
Wellness Wednesday: Age Well with Yoga
No one is too old for yoga. If you're hesitant to try yoga because you think it's only for the young and naturally limber, think again. Yoga is all about longevity, so no matter what your age, start today and enjoy its benefits?increased energy, strength, circulation, respiration and a better night's sleep?for years to come. Start with these tips.
Wellness Wednesday: In the Mood for Gratitude
Feeling more frenzied than thankful? In the days leading up to Thanksgiving, it's way too easy to let travel plans, family drama and other stuff crowd out the really important part: the gratitude.
Wellness Wednesday: 10 Minutes to Tune In
You know that cliché about life being a gift? Well, we buy it. Every new waking is another chance to appreciate and use our lives, so we're trying to recognize that potential by taking 10 minutes each morning to get ready for greatness. With us?
Wellness Wednesday: Invert the Day
When your world feels like it's turned on its head and things start spinning out of control, there is no better resolution than a few minutes of legs-up-the-wall pose. Legs-up-the-wall is a passive, mild inversion that is fully loaded with health benefits.