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The moment to say NO MORE
This is the moment. The moment to unite and declare NO MORE.
NO MORE fear or ignorance of the issues.
NO MORE blaming survivors.
NO MORE standing by and doing nothing.
NO MORE silence.
NO MORE violence.
NO MORE excuses.
And so we asked you, why you say NO MORE to domestic violence and sexual assault.
"I say NO MORE for all of those who have believed they are 'damaged' or 'less than' because of someone's else's actions."
"I say NO MORE for the fact that I don't want to see, hear or read about someone else becoming another statistic."
"I say NO MORE because it's long overdue that we start the conversation on these often silenced issues. Our society needs a wake up call when the blame and shame is still being put on the survivor instead of the abuser where it belongs."
Joyful Heart spearheaded the ground-breaking NO MORE PSA campaign because we envision not only a world with no more silence, but a world without violence. The message is simple: together we can end domestic violence and sexual assault.
It only takes one moment to say NO MORE, but added up, it is hundreds of thousands of voices coming together as one to loudly proclaim NO MORE.

Your Voices