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Highlighting NO MORE Day in the Media

Wednesday, March 13, marked the public launch of NO MORE, a national movement to end domestic violence and sexual assault. The coverage of the event has been overwhelming, and we know many of you want to know more about the day’s events and this important movement. We’ve compiled some of the initial articles about the launch that we’ve been reading here at Joyful Heart so that you can check them out too and get excited about coming together to say NO MORE to domestic violence and sexual assault. From the NO MORE congressional briefing to our meeting with the Vice President, from Mariska's inspiring speech at the National Press Club to the Washington Wizards saying NO MORE, there's plenty to read about.
More than a Marathon

This Sunday marks our eighth marathon of Law & Order: SVU with USA Network.
Joyful Heart Groundbreaking Celebrity PSAs Address Myths, Societal Attitudes that Confront Male Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse
The Joyful Heart Foundation and 1in6 – in partnership with Viacom – today launched a new series of print and broadcast public service announcements (PSAs) that speak to the excuses and societal attitudes that male survivors of sexual abuse are confronted with and direct viewers to resources for help.
A New Super Bowl Ad Premieres about a Friend Who May Need Help. Know When. Know How.

The Super Bowl 50 NO MORE ad highlights that recognizing the signs of abuse can potentially help someone. It demonstrates how starting a conversation that might help change—or even save—someone’s life begins with each of us.
Two Ways To Say NO MORE Today: October 25

To commemorate Domestic Violence Awareness Month today, Joyful Heart, in collaboration with our very special partners, gives you two ways to say NO MORE to domestic violence and sexual assault.
The Conversation from Sunday's #NOMOREexcuses SVU Marathon

On August 30, we partnered with USA Network, Characters Unite and NO MORE to host a new Law & Order: Special Victims Unit #NOMOREexcuses marathon to end domestic violence and sexual assault. Check out the social recap from Storify.
6 Steps to Supporting a Survivor

In listening to an individual’s story, your response can have an enormous impact on that person’s healing journey.
Share Your NO MORE Today

Today, during the #NOMOREexcuses marathon of Law & Order: SVU, share what you say NO MORE to.