Reunion Online

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1in6 Thursday: On Our Way

I decided to go to New York City recently, to join in the celebration of the 10th anniversary of the Joyful Heart Foundation. I am so glad I did.
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1in6 Thursday: Telling the Family

Even after men start talking about their sexual assault, most of them face one formidable obstacle: telling their family of origin.
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Kicking off our 10th Anniversary Celebration: PHOTOS FROM THE RED CARPET

May 30, 2014 | BY LendonEbbels | FILED UNDER JHF BLOG >
Check out some of the initial photos from the red carpet, and look out for even more on our website soon!
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1in6 Thursday: Educating Our Inner Circle

May 29, 2014 | BY 1in6org | FILED UNDER JHF BLOG >
For many of us in the service-provider fields, our families are clueless about our work. We must keep teaching, keep talking—those closest to you are listening.
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1in6 Thursday: Learning and Healing...Part 1,029

Growth and healing can be painful, but also immensely rewarding. I know my life will have many ups and downs, but as long as I keep listening and learning I know I will find a lot of happiness along the way.
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1in6 Thursday: Mending Fences

My own healing process and my work with abused kids and violent adults inclines me to see a lot of wisdom in the neighbor’s approach.
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Number of States Seeking to End the Rape Kit Backlog Continues to Grows

Over the past several weeks, the colors of the map, which demonstrates everything we currently know about the rape kit backlog nationwide, have been changing.
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Domestic Violence and Spiritual Abuse: Part 3

Arguably the most frequently quoted verses in the entire Christian Scripture to support male dominance and encourage female subservience, Ephesians 5:21-33 has been misused for centuries.
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1in6 Thursday: "Why Do I Have to Talk About It?"

But it's also more than telling our stories, it's telling them to someone who will listen, who will feel our pain, and offer us support.
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Share the JOY this Mother's Day

With Mother's Day quickly approaching, I have been thinking about how I want to honor, bring joy and express gratitude to my mom and other special women in my life.

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