Reunion Online

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1in6 Thursday: Including Men In Campus Outreach

While the focus on universities’ inadequate response to sexual assaults during a student’s time on campus is an important one, most survivors on campus were survivors before they even stepped foot on our quads. Their need for support is just as important as the women and men who will experience assault once on campus.
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1in6 Thursday: The Long Road to Healing

Pope Francis made some significant pronouncements this week about confronting a culture that allowed sexual abuse to run rampant in the Church. I and billions of Catholics and non-Catholics alike will “wait and see” if he actually seizes the opportunity to create a safer world for kids in a meaningful way.
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Viacom, Joyful Heart Foundation and Mariska Hargitay Team Up To Produce ‘NO MORE’ PSAs

Viacom and its Velocity division had the privilege to work on a series of public service announcements addressing domestic violence and sexual assault. The mission of the PSAs is to dispel the stigma and disrupt the silence around these issues that are so critical and relevant for our audiences.
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1in6 Thursday: Degrees of Child Abuse?

More and more often it seems we are reading news about adult females “having sex” with teenage boys.
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Last chance to have your donation doubled. Help us get there.

June 30, 2014 | BY Maile Zambuto | FILED UNDER JHF BLOG >
Today, June 30 marks a crossroads for the Joyful Heart Foundation—a time of reflecting on all that we have accomplished this year together and of navigating the road that lies ahead of us. The destination? The end of violence and abuse.
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1in6 Thursday: Reusing Pain

One significant fact has emerged from struggling with my past: I've learned to reuse my pain. That may not be a sophisticated way to say it, but it helps me to think of it like that.
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Help Us Get There

June 24, 2014 | BY Sukey Novogratz | FILED UNDER JHF BLOG >
My name is Sukey Novogratz, and I am a very proud board member of the Joyful Heart Foundation. I am also a survivor.
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Social Recap: #NOMOREexcuses #SVU Marathon on USA

Check out some of the tweets from yesterday's marathon—from Mariska to Meloni, to our partners, to the many people who shared why they say NO MORE!
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1in6 Thursday: Hope Wins

I was reminded recently of an important lesson about trauma recovery. The teacher was the son of a friend, a young man who spoke at his bar mitzvah about the competing motivations of fear and hope.
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Domestic Violence and Spiritual Abuse: Part 4

Let’s consider the story of one Christian survivor, Mary, who filed for divorce because her husband was abusing her emotionally, physically, psychologically and spiritually. The response of her pastor is shocking.
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