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Help Start the Conversation
This fall, we were joined by dozens of current and former NFL players for a powerful series of NO MORE PSAs. The NFL players who participated came forward to call attention to the urgent issues of domestic violence and sexual assault in a new way. With $12.5 million in donated airtime since October 23, these spots—produced by Joyful Heart in partnership with Viacom Velocity, directed by Mariska Hargitay, Tate Donovan and Blair Underwood, and developed by Young & Rubicam's Rachel Howald—have been airing during NFL broadcasts, reaching tens of millions of fans across the country each week and raising critical awareness.
On Thanksgiving day, tune in for a sneak peak at NO MORE's new "Speechless" series of PSAs. They feature players who are so moved by the content of the shoot that they were rendered speechless. These spots weren't written. Rather, they show what happened between the takes, behind the scenes—the raw, powerful emotions that these issues raise. They are designed to shed light on how difficult it is for all of us to talk about domestic violence and sexual assault which remain taboo, hidden and painful subjects. And they reveal the depth to which we are all affected by these crimes. Most of all, they urge us to start a conversation about domestic violence and sexual assault with friends and loved ones.
Right now, you can help start the conversation by joining your favorite NFL players in sharing your #NOMORE.
As Mariska and I have shared before, what we saw in these shoots moved us deeply. Brave, strong and authentic men, standing up for each other, for the people they love, for their partners, wives, husbands, children, friends, mothers and fathers, teammates, for people they've never met, for themselves. Thank you for joining them.
With gratitude and joy,

Your Voices