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Seven Tips To Help Men Speak Out in Support of #MeToo

February 28, 2018 | BY Michael Kasdan, Director of Special Projects, The Good Men Project and Lisa B. Winjum, Vice President of External Affairs, Joyful Heart Foundation | FILED UNDER JHF BLOG >

At the Golden Globe Awards last month, the #MeToo movement and TIME’S UP initiative took center stage. In a visually stunning show of solidarity, attendees—both women and men —wore black eveningwear and “Time’s Up” pins. But while nearly every woman who accepted an award spoke out in support of survivors in all industries, expressed their gratitude for the silence breakers, and called for change, not one man mentioned the #MeToo or TIME’S UP movements in their acceptance speeches. Not one.

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2017 In Review: Thank You For Sharing Our Joyful Journey

Hope. Joy. Possibility. We were founded on these values and in 2017, they are at the heart of everything we do.

The volume on the conversation about sexual assault, domestic violence, and child abuse is up and getting louder every day as all eyes, ears, and hearts are turned toward these issues. The collective voices of survivors are powerful, strong, and undeniable. We are surrounded by meaningful change. And we aren’t going back.

It’s been an extraordinary year for our work at Joyful Heart.

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April: A Month of Healing, Education and Advocacy

As we and our community mobilizes with the renewed commitment to change these statistics—and create a world free of this violence—I wanted to share with you some of the exciting, hopeful, important work that’s happening at Joyful Heart this month.
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Joyful Heart Groundbreaking Celebrity PSAs Address Myths, Societal Attitudes that Confront Male Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse

March 2, 2016
Joyful Heart Foundation
The Joyful Heart Foundation and 1in6 – in partnership with Viacom – today launched a new series of print and broadcast public service announcements (PSAs) that speak to the excuses and societal attitudes that male survivors of sexual abuse are confronted with and direct viewers to resources for help.
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After St. George’s: Responding Differently, Together

The revelation this week about decades of unaddressed sexual abuse and assault at a New England school offers some important reminders about the power of community.
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Our Stories, Our Work: Joyful Heart Updates and Events in Hawai‘i

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month, a time when communities across the state and country focus on raising visibility and creating change.  Domestic violence thrives when communities are silent, so this month is about ending that silence and encouraging everyone to take a stand.

In Hawai‘i, there are many local activities talking place to recognize Domestic Violence Awareness Month. We invite you to read about some of them and check out even more from Hawai‘i Says NO MORE.

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TALK DC: Exploring Men's Role in Ending Violence

Monday, 30 March 2015
Bethesda, Maryland
On Monday, March 30, Joyful Heart held our first TALK event on the East Coast in the Washington, D.C. area at the beautiful home of Jaime and Andrew Schwartzberg.
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1in6 Thursday: The Emotional Painbody, Part 2

An old emotional pain living inside you—an accumulation of painful life experience that was not fully faced and accepted in the moment it arose—leaves behind an energy form of emotional pain called the painbody.
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The Moment for Change

“Together we can end domestic violence and sexual assault” reads the tagline for NO MORE. The most important word in that phrase? “Together.”
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1in6 Thursday: The Emotional Pain Body, Part 1

An accumulation of painful life experience that was not fully faced and accepted in the moment it arose, the "painbody" leaves behind an energy form of emotional pain.
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