Reunion Online

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Inside the NO MORE PSA Campaign: An Interview with Maile Zambuto and Rachel Howald

A year ago, NO MORE launched a national campaign to end domestic violence and sexual assault. I had the chance to sit down with Joyful Heart’s CEO, Maile Zambuto, and the Creative Director of the NO MORE PSAs, Rachel Howald to get the behind the scenes look at the campaign.
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Recovery on Yellow Brick Road, Part 2

Navigating the land of Oz and staying on the Yellow Brick Road.
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From 1in6: "You Don't Need to Feel Ashamed"

If I could have cleansed myself from those negative emotions, I would have done so long ago.
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A Message from the Founder of 1in6 in Memory of a Dear Friend

February 27, 2014 | BY 1in6org | FILED UNDER JHF BLOG >
Today I hope that you will indulge me and allow me to speak from my heart on a very personal subject, the passing of our dear, dear friend Heidi Sommer.
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Guest Post: Grapes

It was middle school. I was playing a game in my head, scrambling letters of words to make other words. I thought of “grape” and all the words I could make using it: ape, pea, are, rap, peg. “What about rape?” I thought to myself. "Is that a word?" I asked my friend’s mom, my ride home that day, and her face immediately turned red. She said to never use it again. It was a “bad word.”
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1in6 Thursday: Do No Harm

How do we use the lessons of trauma-informed care to help the people who commit those violent acts—often men who themselves were physically, sexually and/or emotionally abused or neglected—stop, be accountable and live safe, satisfying lives?
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Breaking the Silence to Break the Cycle

This Valentine’s Day, we ask you to start this conversation about domestic violence and healthy relationships in whatever way you can.
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1in6 Thursday: Masters of Our Universe

May the force grant you the courage to change the things you can. You will be amazed.
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This Week's Top Tweets: Jan. 31 – Feb. 7

February 7, 2014 | BY LendonEbbels | FILED UNDER JHF BLOG >
Patti Giggans's book signing at Peace Over Violence, It's Time To Talk Day with Olympian Jordyn Wieber, actor Morris Chestnut and our partners, our ENDTHEBACKLOG campaign highlighted on CNN, Minnesota says NO MORE, and more!
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All Work? No Way!

The healing quality of “playfulness” lies, not in the particular activity you do, but in what you bring to whatever activity you do, whether it’s work, leisure or restoring a healthy life.
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