Reunion Online

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1in6 Thursday: Making Friends

One day last summer I was working in my front garden--part of my notion of having vegetable garden domination on my little plot of earth. I was tending the rows of tomatoes, basil, beets and kale, when an older woman, dressed in black, stopped and started to chastise me about my weeding technique.

I didn’t really understand her, as her English was not so good and my Italian is -- ahem -- non-existent. Still, she showed me, good naturedly, the proper technique of tilling the earth.

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Join the Movement to Say NO MORE

As some of you may know, Joyful Heart is part of an exciting and transformative initiative called NO MORE, a movement to unite all of us around one universal symbol and the simple message that together we can end domestic violence and sexual assault.
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Wellness Wednesday: Treat Your Skin to a Tumeric Mask

May 9, 2012 | BY Sukey | FILED UNDER JHF BLOG >
Turmeric, the vibrant spice that gives curries and mustards their yellow color, contains antioxidants, relieves joint pain and is known to ease digestion. Researchers now think it might even help treat cancer and Alzheimer's, making it a worthy addition to the spice rack of any health-conscious home cook. You might be surprised to learn, though, that turmeric also deserves a place in your skin care routine.
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1in6 Thursday: Support for Those Who Support

Just over a month ago the question of how a friend or family member can best support a man who had been sexually abused was the subject of a post by Peter Pollard.  This started to get me thinking.

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Wellness Wednesday: Be Good To Your Bones

May 2, 2012 | BY Sukey | FILED UNDER JHF BLOG >
Did you know that after around age 30, bone mass begins to diminish? And without proper care, our bones can become more brittle, which in many cases, can lead to bone disease. Make no bones about, maintaining bone health is just as important to our life as breathing is.
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1in6 Thursday: Begin By Believing

April is Child Abuse Prevention Month. Each year, during this time, survivors of childhood sexual abuse, their friends and family, and victim advocates from across the nation mark the occasion by speaking out about childhood sexual abuse and participating in candlelight vigils, walk-a-thons or fundraising drives. The issue of child sexual abuse, however, is one that needs to be confronted beyond this month.
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Wellness Wednesday: 6 Apps for a Smarter Life

April 25, 2012 | BY Sukey | FILED UNDER JHF BLOG >
Like most people we know, we find the daily e-junk overload to be a productivity buzzkill. With seven kids between us and a startup company to run, our gadgets need to work for us. The apps we use to manage our lives are all about navigating the constantly changing tech world, streamlining and working smarter.
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1in6 Thursday: Men Leading By Example

I had the privilege recently of attending the national summit of a new initiative lead by Esta Soler and her team at Futures Without Violence and the Waitt Institute for Violence Prevention called The Y Factor: Men Leading By Example. The event saluted and encouraged activists and survivors who are committed to ending violence against women and children.

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Wellness Wednesday: Break Out Your Bike

April 18, 2012 | BY Sukey | FILED UNDER JHF BLOG >
Spring is finally getting close and we can’t wait to dust off our bikes and start peddling all over town. Aside from the fact that it’s good for the body and great for the planet, we love biking because it’s actually fun—it’s the workout that doesn’t feel like a workout! In preparation for the sunny days ahead, we’ve been rounding up apps for better biking. Do a little downloading and get ready to ride!
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Get Involved: Jumping for Joy!

The following is a guest post from athlete, advocate, author and fearless Joyful Heart supporter, Katie Hnida. If you—like we do—find yourself inspired by her story of healing, of overcoming fear and of finding her a way to support other survivors and stop the violence, we invite you to join us in turning towards the issues of sexual assault, domestic violence and child abuse by becoming a member of the Joyful Revolution Athletic Club.
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