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Highlighting NO MORE Day in the Media

Wednesday, March 13, marked the public launch of NO MORE, a national movement to end domestic violence and sexual assault. The coverage of the event has been overwhelming, and we know many of you want to know more about the day’s events and this important movement. We’ve compiled some of the initial articles about the launch that we’ve been reading here at Joyful Heart so that you can check them out too and get excited about coming together to say NO MORE to domestic violence and sexual assault. From the NO MORE congressional briefing to our meeting with the Vice President, from Mariska's inspiring speech at the National Press Club to the Washington Wizards saying NO MORE, there's plenty to read about.
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NO MORE Day of Action

Wednesday, 13 March 2013
Washington D.C.
On March 13, 2013, Joyful Heart joined our partners in Washington D.C. for the public launch of NO MORE, the nation’s first unifying awareness symbol to end domestic violence and sexual assault. It was an electrifying and historic day, bringing crucial discussion and unprecedented light to our issues. NO MORE Day of Action came on the heels of the President’s reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act, 400 days after the bill’s expiration and subsequent debate in Congress. For members of the field who work with these issues, the timing of the day underscored the necessity to come together as a united front to say NO MORE to bystanding, silence and violence against women and children.
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