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1in6 Thursday: Good Will Towards Men

January 24, 2013 | BY 1in6org | FILED UNDER JHF BLOG >
Weeks have passed since we rang in the New Year, and already our holiday cheer has begun to fade. Perhaps, that is why we begin each year with the same routine of reflecting on how we are going to improve ourselves in the coming year and then resolving to do a whole list of things that, too often, result in no change at all. This year, Emiliano challenges us to break free from this routine and the typical resolutions of weight loss and financial gain in order to bring about true change not just in yourself but in your community, as well. He invites us to reflect on the issue of male childhood sexual abuse and resolve to be a part of a growing network of support.
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1in6 Thursday: Men Engaged – Standing Up By Lying Down

January 17, 2013 | BY PeaceOverViolence | FILED UNDER JHF BLOG >
The rape-murder of a 23 year-old physiotherapy student in India has captured the consciousness of the world. The image that keeps coming into my mind is the photo that has gone around the world of Indian men lying down in the streets of New Delhi in protest, anger and grief.
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1in6 Thursday: Why?

January 10, 2013 | BY 1in6org | FILED UNDER JHF BLOG >
Why? We ask it all the time: Why is the sky blue? Why didn’t she call me back? Why do I have such a hard time being disciplined? Why did that man kill all those innocent children? Why did I get abused? It is the ultimate question resulting in what we hope to be the ultimate answer to bring us some form of closure and comfort. Sometimes it does, but most of the time we are left many years later asking the same questions and still wondering why. Today, Aaron explores this question.
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1in6 Thursday: New Year, New World

We begin this New Year with a much greater awareness within our communities than just a year ago about the frequency at which boys are subjected to unwanted or abusive sexual experiences. So let’s hope that when we look back on 2013, we’ll be able to see it as the tipping point year, when individual’s, families’ and communities’ support for men’s willingness to seek help to recover from unwanted or abusive childhood sexual experiences became the norm, rather than the exception.
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Calling All 2012 Donations

December 31, 2012 | BY Maile Zambuto | FILED UNDER JHF BLOG >
We have so much to look forward to and so much work to do. We hope you will join us on our journey in the new year. A donation today means not only a deduction on your 2012 taxes, but more importantly, a meaningful contribution to continue Joyful Heart’s work to help heal and empower survivors of violence and abuse.
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1in6 Thursday: Control

December 27, 2012 | BY 1in6org | FILED UNDER JHF BLOG >
From today's 1in6 Thursday from Cecil Murphey: "It seems like every person I know who was sexually assaulted—including me—struggles with control issues. Or perhaps “power issues” is the better term. We can tend to feel the need to be in charge (in control) of things or we surrender and give up any self-assertion. Some vacillate between the two extremes. I am a controller, although many people don’t recognize it. But I’m learning to give up unhealthy power."
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Big Plans for 2013

2013 is just around the corner and we know now, more than ever, how necessary and important our work is. Thanks to supporters like you, in 2013 we will continue to heal and empower survivors of sexual assault, domestic violence and child abuse and the professionals who serve them. We will extend and grow our reach and we will respond to new community needs.
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1in6 Thursday: “I Need to Talk to a Man”

December 20, 2012 | BY 1in6org | FILED UNDER JHF BLOG >
In today's 1in6 Thursday, Cecil Murphey recounts an experience talking with another male survivor of childhood sexual abuse. A man decided to break the silence of his abuse by talking with other men. He’s finally able to believe that others have struggled with the same issues because of the molestation in his childhood. As Cecil says, all of us win by helping each other.
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Self-Care In the Wake of a Shared Tragedy

December 17, 2012 | BY Maile Zambuto | FILED UNDER JHF BLOG >
We want express our deepest condolences to the children, families, teachers, friends and loved ones in Newtown and across the state. Our hearts are open and wounded with yours. As we all worked to individually process this tragedy and as more information was shared throughout the day, we have been thinking about if and what kind of an organizational response might be most appropriate.
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It’s Simple Physics

December 5, 2012 | BY Maile Zambuto | FILED UNDER JHF BLOG >
Sexual assault, domestic violence and child abuse are heavy and complex issues. But the greater the number of people willing to lift, the lighter the load becomes for each individual to carry.
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