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Viacom & the Joyful Heart Foundation Say "No More" to Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault

May 29, 2014
Business Wire
Viacom Inc., in partnership with the Joyful Heart Foundation founded by actress and advocate Mariska Hargitay of Law & Order: Special Victims Unit, today announced its commitment to raise awareness for the NO MORE movement to end domestic violence and sexual assault with a new series of groundbreaking NO MORE PSAs.
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‘Law And Order’s Mariska Hargitay Teams Up With Amy Poehler And Other Celebrities To Fight Rape Culture

March 28, 2014
Tara Culp-Ressler
The celebrity PSAs (which also feature Hargitay’s Law & Order co-stars) challenge traditional assumptions about victimization, like the ideas that rape victims must have done something to “ask for it,” men are never victims of assault, and it’s easy for women to leave abusive relationships.
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Strong Words

All survivors—women and men, boys and girls—have suffered enough. It's time we spoke openly, intelligently and compassionately about the men who have suffered the trauma of abuse.
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Inside the NO MORE PSA Campaign: An Interview with Maile Zambuto and Rachel Howald

A year ago, NO MORE launched a national campaign to end domestic violence and sexual assault. I had the chance to sit down with Joyful Heart’s CEO, Maile Zambuto, and the Creative Director of the NO MORE PSAs, Rachel Howald to get the behind the scenes look at the campaign.
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Guest Post: Grapes

It was middle school. I was playing a game in my head, scrambling letters of words to make other words. I thought of “grape” and all the words I could make using it: ape, pea, are, rap, peg. “What about rape?” I thought to myself. "Is that a word?" I asked my friend’s mom, my ride home that day, and her face immediately turned red. She said to never use it again. It was a “bad word.”
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The moment to say NO MORE

This is the moment. The moment to unite and declare NO MORE. NO MORE fear or ignorance of the issues. NO MORE blaming survivors. NO MORE standing by and doing nothing. NO MORE silence. NO MORE violence. NO MORE excuses.
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1in6 Thursday: A Holiday Gift

Two weeks ago, eight men whose portraits and biographies appear on the Bristlecone website lent their portraits and statements to the gallery of survivors on the web site of the NO MORE campaign. These men, and their brothers at Bristlecone, have chosen to sit in front of a camera and to look directly into the camera’s lens.
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1,400 views in 3 days. I don’t think that, that number—despite the embarrassing number of times I have refreshed my Vimeo page—has sunk in yet.
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Honoring the Hotline's Life-Saving Work and the Leadership that Makes It Possible

Wednesday, 30 October 2013
Austin, Texas
On Wednesday, we joined Vice President Biden on his trip to visit the headquarters of the National Domestic Violence Hotline (NDVH) in Austin, Texas and commemorate National Domestic Violence Awareness Month.
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JoyROCKS 2013: Celebrating Our Los Angeles Community and the Launch of the NO MORE PSA Campaign

Thursday, 26 September 2013
Los Angeles, CA
On the evening of Thursday, September 26, 2013 at our biennial Los Angeles event, JoyROCKS, the Joyful Heart staff, board, LA committee members and 350 of our dedicated supporters turned out to celebrate Joyful Heart’s work and the launch the NO MORE PSA campaign.
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