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International Women’s Day 2013: Honoring the Women Building a Better Future

Today on International Women’s Day, we pause to reflect on the current status of women worldwide and honor those among us who fearlessly stand up to empower women everywhere.
Globally, up to six out of every ten women experience physical and/or sexual violence in their lifetime. This is not just a statistic—this number reflects the lives and futures of mothers, daughters, best friends, sisters and colleagues that have been altered forever.
1in6 Thursday: Restrictive Residency Rules and the Illusion of Public Safety

Patti Giggans, Executive Director of Peace Over Violence, discusses the negative effects of increasing restrictive residency rules for sex offenders while reducing their access to resources, monitoring and increasing the risk of recidivism. In her piece, she highlights the latest strategy to restrict where convicted sex offenders live is to create parks where none exist to force registered sex offenders to move out of a neighborhood. The City of Los Angeles plans to build three pocket parks in the communities of Harbor Gateway and Wilmington. California state law prohibits sex offenders from living within 2,000 feet of a park, playground school or a daycare center. Some states restrict living within 1,000 feet or near certain bus stops. The concern? That these over-restrictive policies can backfire, actually increasing recidivism and reducing public health and safety.
From 1in6: Keeping our Past a Secret

The power to choose when and how one heals is just as important as finding a support system that works for YOU. Some choose faith and mental health support. We heal “In our own time, and at our own pace. - the 1in6 Family.
It was during Aaron's first year of college that my past abuse was brought to the light. In today's post, he discusses that time in his life, two years he recalls as "intense emotional warfare." But through his strength and his faith, he has come out the other side healthier—feeling more whole, more complete as a person.
It was during Aaron's first year of college that my past abuse was brought to the light. In today's post, he discusses that time in his life, two years he recalls as "intense emotional warfare." But through his strength and his faith, he has come out the other side healthier—feeling more whole, more complete as a person.
1in6 Thursday: Secondary Survivors

My friend Steve introduced me to the term, Secondary Survivor. Those two words say it well for those of us who have significant people in our lives.We’re survivors and the people who truly love us have also endured.
Senate Passes VAWA Reauthorization
After several days of debate, the Senate voted on Tuesday to reauthorize and strengthen the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) in a 78 to 22 vote. The reauthorization includes protections for LGBT and Native American survivors. It also include the SAFER Act, which provides state and local governments with funding to audit the untested rape kits in their facilities and creates a national registry to help track those audits. It also amends current law to require a greater percentage of federal grant money be spent directly on analyzing untested rape kits. Next, VAWA will head to the House.
1in6 Thursday: Lost and Found

Randy discusses the walls he built to protect himself, keep his abuse secret and survive. As the walls came down, Randy says his lif has begun to make sense. He says he's finally growing beyond just surviving. Love has replaced fear, and new relationships have replaced loneliness. Though he will always have to deal with his issues, each day begins anew, with the chance for joy in each of them.
1in6 Thursday: What About Prevention?

In today's 1in6 post, Peter Pollard discusses intervention and prevention. As he reflects on 1in6's, he discusses where the roads of intervention—helping men (and those who care about them) understand and heal from past troubling sexual experiences—meet.
Self-Care for Trying Times or Triggering Experiences

When we interact with our environment, it can awaken memories of a past experience—your own or a loved one’s—that can affect us in the moment. Here are some resources that can support you at this time and in your broader healing process.
Join Us Tomorrow for the Second #YourVoiceCounts Twitter Chat

Even though 1 in 4 women and nearly one in 7 men are directly affected by domestic violence in the U.S., it remains a largely hidden epidemic. Because we all have a role to play in preventing violence—and because talking about it is one of the first steps to ending it—the Verizon Foundation and CBS Sportscaster James Brown are helping to get the conversation going during a special #YourVoiceCounts Twitter Chat before the Super Bowl on Thursday, January 31 from 4:00 – 5:00 pm ET.
Response to Concerns Over Casting of Mike Tyson on Law & Order: Special Victims Unit
It recently came to light that Mike Tyson was cast in a guest-starring role on an upcoming episode of Law & Order: Special Victims Unit. We understand this has caused a great deal of concern to some fans of the show, many of whom are also supporters of the Joyful Heart Foundation. I wanted to take a moment, on behalf of everyone at Joyful Heart, to respond to that feedback.