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Celebrities, our friends, our sisters, our daughters, and ourselves—are speaking out about sexual assault, abuse, and harassment. From the simple yet powerful #MeToo to women’s detailed personal accounts in news stories and op-eds, this violence is at the forefront of our attention. The volume of the conversation is way up, getting louder, and showing no sign of stopping. It is inescapable.
How and Why We Need to Support Survivors: #TheEmptyChair and Ray Rice
In our mutual work to end domestic violence and sexual assault, it’s crucial that the starting point for our words and actions be those we work in service of: survivors.
The Moment for Change
“Together we can end domestic violence and sexual assault” reads the tagline for NO MORE. The most important word in that phrase? “Together.”
Social Recap: #NOMOREexcuses #SVU Marathon on USA

Check out some of the tweets from yesterday's marathon—from Mariska to Meloni, to our partners, to the many people who shared why they say NO MORE!
How We Can Turn Towards Domestic Violence the Rest of the Year

What would it be like if we, collectively, really saw surviving abuse or assault without blame, stigma or shame? Unafraid to listen to someone's story and unafraid to say "NO MORE?"
Join Us Tomorrow for the #YourVoiceCounts Twitter Chat
Our friends at the Verizon Foundation recently launched a new campaign called Your Voice Counts. The campaign is helping to break the silence around the issue of domestic violence by equipping bystanders?especially men?with tools to begin speaking up to prevent and end domestic violence.
Personal Fouls
In September 2011, less than two months before the dismaying news started emerging from State College, Pennsylvania, NBC aired an episode of Law & Order: Special Victims Unit that tackled the rarely discussed topic of sexual abuse of boys and men.
Law & Order: SVU' Tackles Male-on-Male Sexual Abuse in 'Personal Fouls'
The second episode of 'Law & Order: SVU' Season 13 is one for the TV history books. Not only does it feature guest stars Dan Lauria, Mechad Brooks, Carmelo Anthony and Chris Bosh, but it'll also tackle the taboo issue of male-on-male sexual violence.