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1in6 Thursday: Do you know a man?

Do you know a man struggling with relationships, work, school, depression, substance abuse? Are you going to see him over the upcoming holidays?

Or perhaps you are that man and will be visiting loved ones next week over Thanksgiving or Chanukah.

Lots of things can inspire a man to want to improve his life.  Disappointment over a failed relationship, a job or career setback, remorse about an act of violence or even the unexpected hollowness of a long-sought success can all prompt self examination. 

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1,400 views in 3 days. I don’t think that, that number—despite the embarrassing number of times I have refreshed my Vimeo page—has sunk in yet.
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1in6 Thursday: "I Wore an Invisible Sign"

As we heal, those markings disappear. They're replaced by our inner peace, self-assurance and the knowledge that we're no longer "just survivors." We are overcoming the pain of our childhood. And most of all, we finally like ourselves.
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See You at the Finish Line!

We're always stronger together. This is something I've always known, and have really come to appreciate in the process of preparing for this race.
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Introducing the new

We're proud to share the new, our website dedicated to shining a light on and ending the rape kit backlog—hundreds of thousands of rape kits collected in the aftermath of a sexual assault, sitting untested in police and crime lab storage facilities.
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Running Anyway

It’s only been recently that I’ve realized that I run for several reasons. I run to get out the emotions that had been trapped inside for so long. I run to exhaust myself so that I can sleep at night without the nightmares. Mostly I run to feel strong, to feel in control. When I’m running, no one can get to me; I am fearless.
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1in6 Thursday: Happy Holidays

As survivors, many things often show up at holidays that can trigger us. So here is the simple message I want to share. Be careful and take care of yourself. Try to keep an ally—a friend or partner—who understands and will support you close at all times.
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1in6 Thursday: Why Now?

Although a few children are able to ask for help while young, some of us (and perhaps that word should be many) aren't ready until we're hitting our middle years. I was one of those.
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1in6 Thursday: The Many Faces of Resilience

October 24, 2013 | BY 1in6org | FILED UNDER JHF BLOG >
Resilience is a remarkable characteristic we humans possess.
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1in6 Thursday: Get Over It!

October 17, 2013 | BY PeaceOverViolence | FILED UNDER JHF BLOG >
"Get over it” is a myth, not a methodology. Let's put it to rest once and for all.
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