Reunion Online

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Celebrating Father's Day

As we're getting ready to celebrate all the fathers, grandfathers, father-figures, uncles, brothers and partners in our lives this Father's Day, we wanted to take a moment and recognize the men who are fearlessly joining the movement to end violence and abuse. The parents and caregivers who are, every day, doing their part to instill love and respect for one another in their children's hearts. The brothers, sons and partners who rise up to intervene, to prevent and to say no more to violence. The advocates and survivors who let others—men and women alike—know that they are not alone on their healing journeys, that there are resources and support and that sexual assault, domestic violence and child abuse are issues that affect all of us.
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1in6 Thursday: Can Any Good Come from the Sandusky Sexual Abuse Trial?

The Sandusky sexual abuse trial is about to begin and the saga will unfold on the Internet, mainstream news and in the tabloids. Many stories will be told, exposed and exploited even with the restrictions on photography, texting, video and more imposed by the court. The witnesses will be put to credibility and reliability tests, memories will be challenged and the accused will sit in the courtroom confronted by his victim/accusers.

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Wellness Wednesday: Operation Exfoliation

We all know that when it comes to dry and itchy skin, sometimes lotion just doesn't cut it and even the fanciest moisturizer is no match for clogged pores. The solution? Exfoliation. The best way to do it? Yourself.
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1in6 Thursday: Strength Found in Light, Part 3

The following post is the second in a mini-series by Aaron Kesseler about his journey through healing as a survivor of child sexual abuse.. You can read Part 1 here and Part 2 here.

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Wellness Wednesday: Happy Feet

Achey feet? Follow our 3-step plan and show your tootsies some love before flip flop weather hits!
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1in6 Thursday: Into Each Life...A Little Rain

The commencement speaker at my niece’s graduation this past weekend startled some in the audience when he noted that having to overcome adversity is a normal part of a achieving a fulfilling life.

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Wellness Wednesday: Update Your Failure Resume

Thomas Edison failed a thousand times before he invented the lightbulb. "How did it feel to fail 1,000 times?" a reporter asked. "I didn’t fail 1,000 times," Edison responded. "The light bulb was an invention with 1,000 steps." Living in a world full of risk and failure, it's inevitable that we'll come face-to-face with it; it's what we learn from confronting failure that matters most, which is why we love Tina Seelig's introduction of the idea on the failure resume.
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The 2012 Joyful Revolution Gala: A Revolution for the Next Generation

 I often find myself in awe, but somehow not totally surprised, that turning towards the issues sexual assault, domestic violence and child abuse is often so hopeful, so joyful. Maybe you sometimes find yourself thinking the same. It's often inexplicable, or at the very least, difficult to put into words as to why this is. And it can certainly be a strange thing to feel—and to write at this very moment—but it's true. And last Wednesday evening was no exception.

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1in6 Thursday: "You Shouldn't Feel..."

In conversation with my friend Beth, I mentioned that even though I knew the molestation in childhood wasn't my fault, I still felt shame and guilt over my abuse as if I had failed in some way. "I keep thinking that only if I—"

"You shouldn't feel that way," Beth said.

Before I could respond, she listed my achievements (as if I didn't know them) and told me how much she admired me for the way I had dealt with my painful childhood.

"But still—"

"You don't deserve to feel that way."

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Wellness Wednesday: Happy Videos

The Internet is great. My favorite resources are videos. If I don’t know something, I can quickly learn from an 18 minute presentation. A Google time-suck can uncover gems to make me smile, help me find tools and stoke my creativity, so don’t feel guilty; get lost in a video. There are so many good teachers waiting to find you.
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