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A Message from the Founder of 1in6 in Memory of a Dear Friend
Today I hope that you will indulge me and allow me to speak from my heart on a very personal subject, the passing of our dear, dear friend Heidi Sommer.
1in6 Thursday: Do No Harm
How do we use the lessons of trauma-informed care to help the people who commit those violent acts—often men who themselves were physically, sexually and/or emotionally abused or neglected—stop, be accountable and live safe, satisfying lives?
1in6 Thursday: Masters of Our Universe
May the force grant you the courage to change the things you can. You will be amazed.
All Work? No Way!
The healing quality of “playfulness” lies, not in the particular activity you do, but in what you bring to whatever activity you do, whether it’s work, leisure or restoring a healthy life.
Recovery on Yellow Brick Road, Part 1
What can the Wizard of Oz tell you about how to manage your recovery? A lot!
1in6 Thursday: The Power of a Safe Space
Trust and safety are powerful gifts to give a man on a healing journey. In creating a safe space, we give them support and hope.
1in6 Thursday: Connecting the Dots during Human Trafficking Awareness Month
Countless organizations and law enforcement agencies have made great strides to address human trafficking, but we still have more to do.
1in6 Thursday: Welcoming in 2014
As we close out on 2013, I am enormously proud of the organization’s many accomplishments over the past 12 months and I look forward to the next!
1in6 Thursday: Living Can Be Much More than Just Surviving
"I don’t want to just survive…I want to live."