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Prioritizing Yourself

The season premiere of Law & Order: Special Victims Unit is fast approaching and many are waiting in anticipation to find out what happens to Detective Olivia Benson. For some, witnessing the ordeal she endures could be painful, as it can be an all too-real depiction of a personal experience.
Wellness Wednesday: Unlock Your Creative Potential
Could your daily yoga flow inspire creativity to flow freely in other areas of your life as well? If you’ve got mental clutter to clear (and most of us do), then it definitely could.
You may not think you’re gifted with a pen, paintbrush or musical instrument, but that doesn’t mean you lack the spark of creativity. A common struggle in the creative process is simply getting out of your own way. As you dive into yoga, you’ll start to break free from judgment, self-doubt and criticism. Letting go of these obstacles on the mat is the first step to exploring your creative impulses elsewhere.
Writing for the Heart: A Practice for Self-Liberation
Today we have a guest post from Purvi Shah, a writer and poet who recently facilitated a wellness session entitled "Imagining Our Wondrous Selves" at a Joyful Heart Heal the Healers event in New York City. Today, Purvi shares her reflections on why writing can be a practice of self-care, self-revelation and self-liberation.
Wellness Wednesday: Update Your Failure Resume
Thomas Edison failed a thousand times before he invented the lightbulb. "How did it feel to fail 1,000 times?" a reporter asked. "I didn’t fail 1,000 times," Edison responded. "The light bulb was an invention with 1,000 steps."
Living in a world full of risk and failure, it's inevitable that we'll come face-to-face with it; it's what we learn from confronting failure that matters most, which is why we love Tina Seelig's introduction of the idea on the failure resume.
Wellness Wednesday: Slow Down
This time of year, things can’t help but move at lightning speed. If your to-do list is getting longer by the second and you can't remember the last time you took a vacation, now is the time to slow down. Not only is it good for the spirit, but your immune system will benefit from it too.
Wellness Wednesday: Change Your Story
We hear it all the time: "change your story, change your life." Sounds so simple, but it can be an overwhelmingly tall order if you're stuck in a rut. What if instead we were to focus on the minor narratives—the small-but-significant stories we’ve been telling ourselves for so long that we don’t even think of them as stories, but as second nature? Stories that we picked up somewhere along the way and ran with: I'm not athletic enough to work out or I'm not creative enough for a project like that.
Wellness Wednesday: Connect without the Tech
We're all over the upsides of social media and using apps to organize our lives, but sometimes you've just got to unplug to connect. Forgot how to send a message that's more than 140 characters? Get meaningful with these 4 ways to connect for real.
Wellness Wednesday: Unlock Your Creative Potential
Could your daily yoga flow inspire creativity to flow freely in other areas of your life as well? If you’ve got mental clutter to clear (and most of us do), then it definitely could.
Creative Expression
Many of us remember making art as small children. Carving out that piece of floor or kitchen table or classroom and losing ourselves as we became engrossed in the task at hand. Immersed in a sea of paints, crayons, construction paper, brown paper bags and Popsicle sticks, all our senses were engaged. The smell of the crayons, the feel of wet paint or glitter glue on fingers, the sound of furious coloring or of our own rhythmic breathing as we focused on a task all grounded us to our mission. Some will remember the sense of pride and accomplishment at having completed this act of telling a story. Telling our story in a way that makes sense of ourselves, our families and our world.