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Wellness Wednesday: In the Mood for Gratitude
Feeling more frenzied than thankful? In the days leading up to Thanksgiving, it's way too easy to let travel plans, family drama and other stuff crowd out the really important part: the gratitude.
Wellness Wednesday: 10 Minutes to Tune In
You know that cliché about life being a gift? Well, we buy it. Every new waking is another chance to appreciate and use our lives, so we're trying to recognize that potential by taking 10 minutes each morning to get ready for greatness. With us?
Help Us Turn Up the Volume! Vote for Joyful Heart in the Mashable Awards

Many of you have probably heard of Mashable – it is a widely read online news and trends resource that focuses on business and technology. With 20 million unique visitors each month and 4 million social media followers, Mashable is a really important source on on digital innovation and how it empowers and inspires people around the world.
Wellness Wednesday: A Fresh Take on Pesto
This pesto is the special recipe of The Well Daily's resident organic chef, Taided Betancourt. Taided suggests serving it on a crostini with some fresh mozzarella or as a dip with fresh vegetables and crackers. Watch her step-by-step video on how to make it!
Wellness Wednesday: Invert the Day
When your world feels like it's turned on its head and things start spinning out of control, there is no better resolution than a few minutes of legs-up-the-wall pose. Legs-up-the-wall is a passive, mild inversion that is fully loaded with health benefits.
Wellness Wednesday: Kitchen Cabinet Cures for Dry Skin
This time of year, dry, itchy skin is par for the course. Soothe your skin with inexpensive, everyday ingredients that can double as natural and effective moisturizers. Try a few for yourself and find your personal favorite.
Increase in Poverty Linked to Increases in Child Abuse, Recent Study Shows
The latest census is showing staggering increases in the poverty rate in the United States. 15.1 percent of Americans--46 million people--are living below the poverty line, which is $22,314 for a family of four. This is the highest percentage of Americans living in poverty in 17 years.