Reunion Online

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Help Start the Conversation

Tomorrow, on Thanksgiving day, tune in for a sneak peak at NO MORE's new "Speechless" series of PSAs. They feature players who are so moved by the content of the shoot that they were rendered speechless.
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1in6 Thursday: Happy Thanksgiving

We could not be more thankful for the opportunity to serve and for those that have partnered with us to make our services available over the last 8 years.
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1in6 Thursday: Numb

Nothing in me is defective and I'm still healing.
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From Times Square to Your Twitter, What's Your #NOMORE?

Throughout this weekend, images from the NFL Players Say NO MORE PSA shoots are running on Viacom billboards in Times Square every six minutes, asking passersby to add their voices to the campaign on social media with the question, “What’s your #NOMORE?”
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1in6 Thursday: Colleges Are Addressing Childhood Sexual Abuse

November 6, 2014 | BY 1in6org | FILED UNDER JHF BLOG >
Whether just beginning inclusive practices or sharing developed assessment tools, institutions are taking steps to help all students.
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1in6 Thursday: Do-Overs

I have now made the choice to do my best to repair and rebuild myself into a whole and healthy person.
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1in6 Thursday: Decriminalizing Trauma

Both women and men can be triggered by current events to re-experience the well-known “fight, flight, or freeze” responses left over from childhood trauma. Years of trauma research has shown us that establishing safety and emotional connection are important components in healing from childhood abuse.
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What's Your #NOMORE?

The NO MORE PSAs with current and former NFL players premiere tonight during Thursday Night Football on CBS.
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This Is Tangible

October 17, 2014 | BY Mariska Hargitay and Maile Zambuto | FILED UNDER JHF BLOG >
Last week, we completed the first NO MORE PSA shoot with NFL players. It's the realization of a dream we shared three weeks ago when the NFL first aired the "Anthem" PSA during Thursday Night Football.
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1in6 Thursday: We Are All on the Same Team

October 16, 2014 | BY 1in6org | FILED UNDER JHF BLOG >

Here on the east coast, the nights are getting crisp and the leaves are beginning to change. Fall means only one thing around here: football season. As a child growing up in a rural town, football was a central part of folks’ lives. Football culture defined what it meant to be a male. Back home, true American males embodied football. 

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