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Wellness Wednesday: The Magical Gourd

If you haven't tried spaghetti squash, you're missing out on the magic. When cooked, its fibrous flesh unravels into spaghetti-like strands that are perfect with pasta sauce, pesto or simply drizzled with olive oil. It's a cinch to make—and cures your pasta craving for a fraction of the calories. Serve it up as a side dish or a surprisingly satisfying meatless main course.
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Wellness Wednesday: Your Very First Yoga Class

January 4, 2012 | BY Sukey | FILED UNDER JHF BLOG >
If your resolution is to finally try yoga, you're in luck: Jackie and I have put our heads together to come up with our top 5 tips for newbie yogis. Go for it!
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Wellness Wednesday: Rock the Neti Pot

Stuffed up? Kick that cold with the ancient Indian tool that's suddenly trending: the neti pot. Flushing your nostrils with saline solution might not sound appealing, but clearing out the nasal passages with a neti pot can solve sinus problems better—and more naturally—than medicated spray. If you’re particularly congested, use the neti pot once a day. Otherwise, three times a week will have you breathing easier in no time.
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Wellness Wednesday: Spiced Mexican Hot Chocolate

In case you haven't noticed, we're pretty into chocolate. One delicious way we like to indulge? A steaming mug of liquid chocolate. Satisfy your sweet tooth with this warming treat, but be forewarned: this isn't your grandma's hot cocoa. We make a cup with a kick.
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Wellness Wednesday: Change Your Destiny, One Breath at a Time

December 14, 2011 | BY Sukey | FILED UNDER JHF BLOG >
Don’t like what’s going on in your life? Before you do anything radical, try a simpler approach. You already know that the breath is a powerful tool; the next step is to harness that power. Make a positive change in your life by making a positive change to your breathing pattern.
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On December 8th, It's Time To Talk

On December 8, 2011, more than 80 people will come together to talk about domestic violence and sexual assault at Liz Claiborne Inc.’s eighth annual It’s Time to Talk Day.
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Wellness Wednesday: Pick Up Some Good Bacteria

Turns out, food can make you happy. We're not talking about the high you get from really good chocolate (although we love that too). We're talking probiotics. The brain and the gut are bff, which is why we get butterflies when we’re nervous and that churning feeling when we’re upset. Now researchers are finding that your belly not only reflects how you feel—it also affects how you feel. And happier people have the right mix of bacteria going on.
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Wellness Wednesday: The Sweet Side of Apple Cider Vinegar

Part home remedy and part health tonic, apple cider vinegar has been a fixture in American kitchens since the 1950s when it was popularized by the book Folk Medicine: A Vermont Doctor’s Guide to Good Health. This tart condiment’s claims to fame include everything from killing weeds to treating diabetes.
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TAKE ACTION TODAY to Get the Violence Against Women Act Reauthorized

The Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) is due for reauthorization. Senators Patrick Leahy (D-VT) and Mike Crapo (R-ID) will introduce a bipartisan bill on tomorrow, Wednesday, November 30th to reauthorize and improve VAWA.
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White + Warren Cashmere Launches Two New Products to Support Joyful Heart

November 29, 2011 | BY JoannaColangelo | FILED UNDER JHF BLOG >

Hello Joyful Heart Community,

I hope everyone had a restful Thanksgiving holiday, filled with gratitude and appreciation.

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