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Wellness Wednesday: 7 Tips to Kick the Plastic Habit for Good

In this world of convenience, plastic is tough to avoid. Sometimes it seems like we live at the mercy of plastic bags and takeout containers simply because they're everywhere. Try these tips to free yourself from reliance on plastic in the kitchen and at the store.
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1in6 Thursdays: Deer in the Headlights

If you're like me, you watched in disbelief as the news media uncovered recent childhood sexual abuse allegations at Penn State University, Syracuse and numerous other institutions. I couldn't help but wonder how these allegations were kept from authorities for so long. As someone who endured seven years of sexual abuse as a child, I understood why the alleged victims didn't feel safe to talk, but I couldn't get my head around how or why the adults who were made aware of the alleged abuse were so reluctant to demand justice.

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Wellness Wednesday: How to Swap Out the Sugar

February 8, 2012 | BY Sukey | FILED UNDER JHF BLOG >
We've got nothing against making homemade cookies, but we'd rather avoid the crash and keep our energy levels steady. When we can, we try to use natural sweeteners when we bake. Use our handy guide to easily swap out white sugar, brown sugar and artificial sweeteners. It won't help you resist the dessert tray at work, but healthier treats at home aren't half bad.
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1in6 Thursdays: Little Words Can Have Big Meaning

It's been gratifying to see the Justice Department's recent revisions to the definition used to compile statistics about rape. Language is an important part of any discussion about sexual abuse - for men, filtered through the lens of cultural expectations of males. Words shape, define and categorize experiences. And the shift may have some deeper implications than are immediately apparent.

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Wellness Wednesday: Age Well with Yoga

No one is too old for yoga. If you're hesitant to try yoga because you think it's only for the young and naturally limber, think again. Yoga is all about longevity, so no matter what your age, start today and enjoy its benefits?increased energy, strength, circulation, respiration and a better night's sleep?for years to come. Start with these tips.
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1in6 Thursdays: Law & Order: SVU Episode Takes on Sexual Abuse of Boys - Great TV, Even Greater Public Service

On September 28, 2011, five weeks before the Penn State story would dominate news and sports pages, NBC’s Law & Order: Special Victims Unit aired "Personal Fouls," a groundbreaking episode on sexual abuse of boys in sports. For viewers of the original airing, "Personal Fouls" was a remarkable prelude to, and preparation for, the revelations of November: the detailed charges against Jerry Sandusky, the institutional complicity that allowed it to continue for years, and the individual courage that, when backed by family and community support, can bring such tragedies to an end.
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Wellness Wednesday: Fast Fix: Repair Your Hair

Has winter already taken a toll on your hair? Between dry indoor heat, cold wind and unforgiving blow dryers, this season can suck the moisture right out of your strands—and the money right out of your pocketbook, if you turn to expensive deep conditioning treatments.
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Engaging Men: Tune in to Tonight's SVU and Join Us on the Blog for 1in6 Thursdays

 Tonight is a very important one—for Joyful Heart, the community of survivors we seek to serve and for millions of viewers who will tune in to Law & Order: Special Victims Unit.

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JHF Helps Launch One Strong 'Ohana Child Abuse and Neglect Public Awareness Campaign

On Tuesday, January 17th, over 100 individuals from all walks of life—non-profits and community organizations, local businesses, media and government officials—gathered for the unveiling of the One Strong ‘Ohana campaign.
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Wellness Wednesday: R and R Yoga

Stressed out? Relax and recharge with a little restorative yoga. We love us some sweaty power yoga, but sometimes it's nice to de-stress with a restorative session or two. Believe it or not, relaxation is a skill you can learn and get better at. And if you're super type A, it's worth taking a class in the art of consciously calming down. Restorative yoga classes are a yummy indulgence, featuring plenty of props to help you loosen up and a chilled out pace so you can really unwind.
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