Reunion Online

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A Historic 30 Seconds

January 30, 2015 | BY Maile Zambuto | FILED UNDER JHF BLOG >
For the first time in history, the NFL will dedicate commercial time during the Super Bowl to call for an end to domestic violence and sexual assault.
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1in6 Thursday: Will You Be Watching the Super Bowl?

If the audience for Super Bowl XLIX is anything like 2014, among those watching the "big game" could be as many as nine and a half million men who had unwanted or abusive sexual experiences in childhood.
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1in6 Thursday: "I'm Angry a Lot"

Some men who are of childhood sexual abuse focus their anger in three different ways: toward the person who abused them, themselves and the adults who didn't protect them.
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1in6 Thursday: The Emotional Painbody, Part 2

An old emotional pain living inside you—an accumulation of painful life experience that was not fully faced and accepted in the moment it arose—leaves behind an energy form of emotional pain called the painbody.
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1in6 Thursday: Celebrating 8 Years of Service

Our careful nurturance of key partnerships has helped make it possible to inspire increased services to support men who had unwanted or abusive sexual experiences in childhood to live healthier, happier lives.
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Resolution 2015: Well-Being

This year, please join us in resolving to help the millions of men around the world who had unwanted or abusive sexual experiences in childhood to live healthier, happier lives.
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Right Now, Our Moment

December 31, 2014 | BY Joyful Heart Foundation | FILED UNDER JHF BLOG >
Help us continue the momentum of change in 2015 and beyond by making a tax-deductible gift before 11:59pm tonight.
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My Moment. And My Life-Long Journey

December 30, 2014 | BY Maile Zambuto | FILED UNDER JHF BLOG >
Every day I heal in grand and small ways. My journey continues. And I know I am not alone in my pursuit.
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My Moment for Healing

Joyful Heart’s Heal the Healers program was a wake up call for me.
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1in6 Thursday: Present for the Holidays

Many of us adults who have experienced childhood sexual abuse and other traumas find ourselves with confused feelings as we’re confronted with holiday promises of joy, connection and good will, which may run contrary to our memories of our own childhoods.
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