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1in6 Thursday: Those Flashbacks
I was older when my memories started to return. And they hurt. Deeply.
1in6 Thursday: I'm Lonely
Nothing is as lonely as guarding our secrets. Nothing separates me more from other human beings than hiding part of myself.
6 Steps to Supporting a Survivor
In listening to an individual’s story, your response can have an enormous impact on that person’s healing journey.
1in6 Thursday: Helping Children Heal
Vulnerability is not really weakness as we perceive, but is in fact strength. When we expose ourselves as flawed and are willing to show our vulnerability, it opens the door for others to do the same.
1in6 Thursday: Just the Facts, Man. Busting Myths about Men and Sexual Abuse
I learned long ago that repeating myths in an attempt to dispel them actually has the opposite effect. So here they are—just the facts about male sexual abuse.
From 1in6 Boundaries
A healthy boundary is one that has some movement in it and allows for continued involvement with others.
1in6 Thursday: Carrying the Weight
“Hope you're well. I'm having some anxiety this morning so I thought I'd reach out to a friend. No specific questions, just looking for some support I guess.”