Reunion Online

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My Moment of Gratitude

December 23, 2014 | BY Tom Nunan | FILED UNDER JHF BLOG >
There are moments that fill you with immense joy and gratitude—I want to share mine with you. It happened a couple months ago when the Joyful Heart Foundation experienced what I call “a magnificent milestone.”
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The Moment for Justice

By Helena Lazaro. When I first became involved with Joyful Heart in 2010, justice was a concept that I had given up on almost entirely.
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The Moment for Change

“Together we can end domestic violence and sexual assault” reads the tagline for NO MORE. The most important word in that phrase? “Together.”
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1in6 Thursday: Boundaries

The holidays are vulnerable times for most survivors.
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My Moment for JOY

December 16, 2014 | BY Mariska Hargitay | FILED UNDER JHF BLOG >

When I first imagined Joyful Heart ten years ago, I could not have foreseen the impact we would have a decade later. I am overwhelmed with joy—and gratitude and love—for the many bright lights who make our work possible.

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A raw, unscripted and powerful video collection that shows the candid responses of these men and women as they attempt to talk about sexual assault and domestic violence
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1in6 Thursday: Finding the Right Lens

December 11, 2014 | BY 1in6org | FILED UNDER JHF BLOG >
With a recent upswing in awareness and military and campus funding for male inclusive resources, more programs are asked to address the issues facing men that have experienced sexual abuse.
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This is Our Moment

We are filled with joy and gratitude as we celebrate our journey—the signposts we have heeded, the milestones we have reached and the goals we’ve realized in our work to end this violence.
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1in6 Thursday: The Emotional Pain Body, Part 1

An accumulation of painful life experience that was not fully faced and accepted in the moment it arose, the "painbody" leaves behind an energy form of emotional pain.
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Giving Back on #GivingTuesday

December 2, 2014 | BY LendonEbbels | FILED UNDER JHF BLOG >
After a day of giving thanks, Black Friday and Cyber Monday, #GivingTuesday calls on us to channel the spirit of joy, gratitude and generosity this holiday season into giving back.
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