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Wellness Wednesday: 7 Ways to Achieve a Healthy Glow

Some days our look is more stressed-out-and-sleep-deprived than radiant. Been there? Here's what we do to kick the stress and get glowing.
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1in6 Thursday: Returning to the Question, Continuing the Conversation

The prosecution and conviction of those who commit sexual offences can only ever be one part of our response to sexual abuse: recognizing that very, very few cases ever appear in court. If anything, the focus on the criminal justice system distracts us from putting resources and energy into developing more effective services and systems to offer support and enhance the well being of the person who has been sexually abused.
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Wellness Wednesday: Unlock Your Creative Potential

Could your daily yoga flow inspire creativity to flow freely in other areas of your life as well? If you’ve got mental clutter to clear (and most of us do), then it definitely could. You may not think you’re gifted with a pen, paintbrush or musical instrument, but that doesn’t mean you lack the spark of creativity. A common struggle in the creative process is simply getting out of your own way. As you dive into yoga, you’ll start to break free from judgment, self-doubt and criticism. Letting go of these obstacles on the mat is the first step to exploring your creative impulses elsewhere.
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1in6 Thursday: After Jerry Sandusky...A Way Forward

The trial of Jerry Sandusky focused the country’s attention on the sexual abuse of boys. It also showcased the tremendous courage of the young men who came forward who testified in court and in so doing, spoke powerfully to their own truths, and also to the larger truth of the sexual victimization of male children.
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Wellness Wednesday: Bee the Breath

June 27, 2012 | BY Sukey | FILED UNDER JHF BLOG >
Keep the buzzing mind at bay with a practice to get you in a meditative state: the Humming Bee Breath—named after Brahmari, meaning bumble bee. This practice is touted for its anger-reducing abilities. It calms the mind, reducing stress, anxiety, insomnia and even blood pressure.
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1in6 Thursday: Celebrating Fathers (and All Father-Figures)

As Father’s Day was this past Sunday, we at 1in6 would like to celebrate the fathers and father figures around the country who are survivors of childhood sexual abuse, especially those who embody the values of strength, character and courage in their daily lives.


We celebrate fathers, step-dads and all father-figures who work hard, promote respect and harmony in their families and who demonstrate great love for their children.

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Wellness Wednesday: Happy Quotes

June 20, 2012 | BY Sukey | FILED UNDER JHF BLOG >
Milestones: weddings, birthdays and graduations frequently leave us frustrated when searching for that perfect gift. So instead, make an impression by giving inspiration. Enter: The Wisdom of Others, a website that creates personalized quote books.
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Writing for the Heart: A Practice for Self-Liberation

Today we have a guest post from Purvi Shah, a writer and poet who recently facilitated a wellness session entitled "Imagining Our Wondrous Selves" at a Joyful Heart Heal the Healers event in New York City. Today, Purvi shares her reflections on why writing can be a practice of self-care, self-revelation and self-liberation.

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1in6 Thursday: The Sandusky Salvo

With all of the work I had done, with all of the time spent in therapy and the wisdom it had provided, with all that I had accomplished, with the book I had written about my recovery progress, how could this case leave me feeling so alone and afraid?
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Wellness Wednesday: A Bright Idea

June 13, 2012 | BY Sukey | FILED UNDER JHF BLOG >
Remember those jars full of fireflies that used to light up the summer nights? Here's an equally innovative—but far less cruel—way to light up the sky without electricity. Whether indoors or outdoors, solar lights can add ambiance to your dinner table, front walk, or make for a really cool backyard chandelier.
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