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1in6 Thursday: The Recovery Paradigm

About three years ago, I made a gut-wrenching decision that would alter my life forever. At that time, I was in the middle of a breakdown of sorts. I wasn’t sure why I was in the middle of a breakdown—and for that I was confused—but since I couldn’t manage my anger and emotions,  I decided to quit my job in advertising, a job that many people would kill for.

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Wellness Wednesday: Slow Down

This time of year, things can’t help but move at lightning speed. If your to-do list is getting longer by the second and you can't remember the last time you took a vacation, now is the time to slow down. Not only is it good for the spirit, but your immune system will benefit from it too.
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1in6 Thursday: Strength Found In Light, Part 2

The following post is the second in a mini-series by Aaron Kesseler. You can read his first post here and look out for more in the coming months for more about his journey through healing as a survivor of child sexual abuse.

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Wellness Wednesday: Pick Up Some Skills

April 4, 2012 | BY Sukey | FILED UNDER JHF BLOG >
If you resolved to learn something new in 2012 but haven't quite gotten around to it yet, now's the perfect time to get proactive. Turning the idea of education on its head and charging into the brave new world of community-based learning is a brilliant young company called Skillshare, and class is most definitely in session.
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Support Joyful Heart Today, Sexual Assault Awareness Day of Action

Thanks to you and the other members of our community, today—Sexual Assault Awareness Month Day of Action—marks an important and revolutionary moment for the Joyful Heart Foundation. And because of your generosity and commitment, we've been able to help transform lives and create change in how communities and the criminal justice system respond to sexual violence.
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1in6 Thursday: What Does Supportive Look Like?

When  1in6’s founding Board member, Dr. David Lisak, and I were talking with a group of students and staff at Brown University recently, someone asked for ideas about how to best  support a friend or family member who is coming to terms with unwanted or abusive sexual experiences in childhood.

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Wellness Wednesday: Change Your Story

We hear it all the time: "change your story, change your life." Sounds so simple, but it can be an overwhelmingly tall order if you're stuck in a rut. What if instead we were to focus on the minor narratives—the small-but-significant stories we’ve been telling ourselves for so long that we don’t even think of them as stories, but as second nature? Stories that we picked up somewhere along the way and ran with: I'm not athletic enough to work out or I'm not creative enough for a project like that.
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1in6 Thursday: "Good" and "Evil"...Not So Fast

"Good" and "evil" always seem like handy labels, especially when describing those involved in incidents of child sexual abuse.

So depending on your point of view, I was either blessed or cursed by lessons I learned 25 years ago from Roger, a complicated man who upended any certainty I had that the distinctions between "good" and "evil" are actually so sharply defined.

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Wellness Wednesday: Connect without the Tech

We're all over the upsides of social media and using apps to organize our lives, but sometimes you've just got to unplug to connect. Forgot how to send a message that's more than 140 characters? Get meaningful with these 4 ways to connect for real.
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1in6 Thursday: Why Am I Still Not Healed?

Why haven't I worked through all these issues? Why am I still not healed?

Most of us who are survivors ask ourselves these questions many times. "I've been on this journey for five years. When does it end?"

They are the questions we ask on our worst days.

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