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Wellness Wednesday: Build Strength with Yoga

Ask most people which workout is most effective for building muscle and they'll say forget about yoga and start lifting weights. But a consistent yoga practice can tone and even build muscle—and in a more balanced way than weight lifting.
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1in6 Thursday: What To Say?

If you wanted to get a message out there in relation to helping men who have been sexually abused, what information would you want put out there?

That was my question to a group of men who attend a monthly support group in Brisbane, Australia. The group is part of a service designed to assist men sexually abused in childhood, their partners, friends, family and service providers.

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Wellness Wednesday: Treat Your Feet

We're always looking for ways to show our precious feet a little love, but a foot rub that can cure other woes as well? Sounds great to us! If you've tried reflexology, give us the inside scoop on your experience.
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A Joyful Heart with White + Warren Beyond the Winter

March 2, 2012 | BY JessicaVaron | FILED UNDER JHF BLOG >
With March officially here and springtime only weeks away, we wanted to help keep you prepared for the changing temperatures. It's why we'd like to remind you about one of the latest—and possibly softest yet—additions to our Heartshop, the White + Warren Cashmere Travel Wrap!
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1in6 Thursday: A Model of Men's Nonviolence

March 1, 2012 | BY 1in6org | FILED UNDER JHF BLOG >

If you walk into my home office in Austin, Texas you will see two posters—one of Emiliano Zapata and the other of Cesar Chavez. Both of these men struggled for the rights of the poor and oppressed and organized movements that changed society; however, the tactics they used to achieve this social change differed greatly. As his birthday approaches, I would like to reflect on the example of change set forth by Cesar Chavez.

Chavez once said:

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Wellness Wednesday: Choose the Best Chocolate

By now you've heard the good news that chocolate has major health benefits, but wait a second?you can't trust just any old bar. Put down the vending machine candy and focus on high-quality dark chocolate; it's less processed, promotes heart health, manages blood sugar and acts as an antioxidant. These are our rules when choosing a sweet treat.
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1in6 Thursday: Peace Over Violence and 1in6: Prioritizing Child Abuse Prevention

February 23, 2012 | BY PeaceOverViolence | FILED UNDER JHF BLOG >
Los Angeles is going through a crisis of confidence in the capacity of the Los Angeles Unified School District to protect children from sexual abuse by trusted adults: their teachers. In the span of a weeks time, 4 adult teachers were arrested for alleged sexual abuse of students and one entire school?Miramonte Elementary?was emptied of its entire faculty and administrative staff and replaced with a whole new team.
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Wellness Wednesday: Let Go of Negative Emotions

In a fleeting moment, negative emotions, like anger, can steer us off our chosen course and into a murky emotional world. Thankfully, yoga helps us work through our feelings intelligently so we can acknowledge them and let them go. Is something making you mad? Start here.
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AZIAM's Alanna Zabel on Yoga, Clothes and Her Own Joyful Heart

February 17, 2012 | BY JoannaColangelo | FILED UNDER JHF BLOG >

Alanna Zabel, incredible supporter of the Joyful Heart Foundation and the creative genius and yoga expert behind the AZIAM clothing line, recently spent some time answering our questions about her clothing line, her collaboration with Joyful Heart and AZIAM's latest piece to benefit the Joyful Heart Foundation, the perfectly-fitting, perfectly-named Victory Short, available now from the Heartshop.

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1in6 Thursday: Strength Found in Light, Part 1

This is my first blog for 1in6. I guess a good way to introduce myself is to tell you a little about what I have gone through and the feelings I dealt with along the way.

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